I am having a bit of a problem, and haven't found a way around it, and my
google searches thus far have come up with solutions that haven't worked.

 i am writing a role to install/manage our iptables rulesets on our linux
servers.  I am creating the file with the rules using a jinja2 template.
Some of our servers have more network interfaces than others,  so I am
trying to use the ansible_interfaces fact to list out the interfaces (
minus the loopback) and have a for loop in the jinja template to create the
rule for that interface.

When I run the playbook for a particular host, the first, time everything
looks as expected.  When I run it a second time, the task still gets marked
as "changed" even though nothing has changed.  I do know that the output of
the ansible_interfaces isn't in the same order each time, so I tried using
a sort filter as well, which didn't help.  (see jinja code below)

{% for testinterface in ansible_interfaces|difference(['lo'])|sort %}
Some rule with the interface labled: {{testinterface}}
{% endfor %}

Am I going about this the wrong way?  Is there a better way to do this so
that idempotency can be achieved?

Thanks for your help on this!!


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