Thanks Jordan,

I used become in my playbook.

- hosts: [win]
  gather_facts: false
    - name: create a mapped drive
       state: present
       letter: D
       path: \\\test

    # become is required to save and retrieve the credentials in the tasks
      ansible_become: yes
      ansible_become_method: runas
      ansible_become_user: test
      ansible_become_pass: password@123
      ansible_become_flags: logon_type=new_credentials 

Playbook is running without any errors.

But i am not seeing the network drive in my windows OS.
net use:
Unavailable  T:        \\\test     Microsoft Windows Network

what is that i am missing here. what is the solution to map the network 

On Friday, 15 May 2020 02:36:13 UTC+5:30, Jordan Borean wrote:
> The error you have is nothing to do with mapped drives but that Ansible is 
> unable to authenticate itself over the WinRM connection. YOu need to set 
> ansible_user and ansible_password for Ansible to use as the connection 
> credentials.
> Also please note that while you can map a network drive using 
> win_mapped_drive in Ansible, you cannot use that mapped drive in Ansible 
> tasks. That mapping is just for interactive logons. If you want to access 
> files from a network path in Ansible you need to use the UNC path and 
> potentially use become to add outbound creds to your process. We have an 
> example of that here 
> .

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