Below is my playbook that helps check telnet connections from my localhost 
to all remote hosts.

       - wait_for:

           host: "{{ item }}"

           port: 22

           state: started         # Port should be open

           delay: 0               # No wait before first check (sec)

           timeout: 2             # Stop checking after timeout (sec)

         ignore_errors: yes

         register: netstatoutput

         delegate_to: localhost

         with_items: "{{ groups['all_hosts'] }}"

I get a lot of unnecessary stuff dumped in the logs when i debug like below:

   - debug:

       msg: "{{ netstatoutput }}"

I just need all the failed telnet  IPs  printed in the debug and nothing 
else like below:

              "msg": "Timeout when waiting for 
              "msg": "Timeout when waiting for 
              "msg": "Timeout when waiting for 


Can you please suggest how can I? 

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