I am trying to install a list of flatpaks on my Fedora Workstation and 
getting the following errors when I run my playbook:

TASK [Install the flatpak packages from flathub for current user] 
task path: /home/user/Documents/automation/ansible/playbooks/roles/fedora-
fatal: []: FAILED! => {
    "msg": "The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The 
error was: 'item' is undefined\n\nThe error appears to be in 
line 1, column 3, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact 
syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n\n- name: Install 
the flatpak packages from flathub for current user\n  ^ here\n"

Here is the list of flatpaks
- name: Install the flatpak packages from flathub for current user
    name: "{{ item }}"
    state: present
    method: user
      - com.bluejeans.BlueJeans
      - us.zoom.Zoom
      - com.discordapp.Discord
      - com.dropbox.Client
      - com.microsoft.Teams
      - org.signal.Signal
      - ws.openarena.OpenArena
      - net.openra.OpenRA
      - org.fedoraproject.MediaWriter
      - org.raspberrypi.rpi-imager
      - io.neovim.nvim
      - com.anydesk.Anydesk
      - io.dbeaver.DBeaverCommunity
      - com.github.alecaddd.sequeler
      - com.notepadqq.Notepadqq
      - org.qownnotes.QOwnNotes
      - io.brackets.Brackets
      - io.atom.Atom
      - org.gnome.Boxes
      - com.jetbrains.PyCharm-Community
      - com.sublimetext.three
      - com.visualstudio.code

Kind of lost at where the issue is.

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