I see the attachment is missing for the playbook section hence pasting it 
here again..

- name: Playbook to replace line in zabbix_agentd.conf
  hosts: all
  #remote_user: root
  gather_facts: False

  - name: Changing the zabbix-agent configuration on the client
      path: /tmp/zabbix_agentd.conf
      ### line to be searched & matched
      regexp: '{{ item.From }}'
      ### new line to be replaced with the old matched one
      line: '{{ item.To }}'
      state: present
      backup: yes
      backrefs: yes

    - { From: '#ServerActive=myzabbix1.example.com', To: 
    - { From: 
'Server=,,,,', To: 
    # Actions will be triggered at the end of each block of task and 
notifies a handler.
    notify: restart_zabbix_service

  - name: restart_zabbix_service
    # referenced by a globally unique name and are notified by notifiers.
      name: zabbix-agentd
      state: restarted

On Friday, July 10, 2020 at 7:45:56 PM UTC+5:30 Karn Gusain wrote:

> I have an Ansible playbook where I need to change the Server Name in one 
> line and an Specific IP address in another line, as in this line there are 
> a bunch of IP address separated by a comma.
> I have the below play which works absolutely fine in case I have to change 
> the entire IP address line with the defined set of IP addresses, But I'm 
> looking for specific IP address i.e. to be looked upon and if 
> found then just replace that only and leave the rest of the IP as it is.
> Below is the Playbook..
> In case below section not visible in above..
> with_items:
>       - { From: '#ServerActive=myzabbix1.example.com', To: 'ServerActive=
> myzabbix2.example.com'}
>        - { From: 
> 'Server=,,,,', To: 
> 'Server=,,,,'} 

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