I am using ansible 2.9.11 on my dev machine (arch linux) where I encrypted 
using ansible-vault with a password file. I have commited the file to 
source control.

I can run the playbook without issues on my dev-machine i.e. decryption 

Now on my ci machine - which is running ubuntu and ansible 2.7.7 - the run 
of the playbook fails with

Tried to use the vault secret (default) to decrypt 
(/builds/papanito/infrastructure/resources/cloudflare/cert.pem) but it 
failed. Error: HMAC verification failed: Signature did not match digest.
fatal: [node003]: FAILED! => {
"msg": "Decryption failed (no vault secrets were found that could decrypt) 
on /builds/papanito/infrastructure/resources/cloudflare/cert.pem"

I can confirm that I have the password-file on the ci-machine and the 
password in it is correct. So what's going on here? Why decryption does not 

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