
Following is the script to change the timezone in ec2-instance


 - timezone: Canada/Eastern

  - name: Check current timezone

   shell: awk -F\" '{ print $2}' /etc/sysconfig/clock

   register: current_zone

   changed_when: False


 - name: Set EST timezone

   file: src=/usr/share/zoneinfo/{{ timezone }}  dest=/etc/localtime 
state=link force=yes

   when: current_zone.stdout != '{{ timezone }}'

i wanted to replace the following /etc/sysconfig/clock  UTC entry with 
variable value defined above. Can someone help me with steps in ansible or 
shell command to replace the zone ? Thanks in advance. 

$ cat  /etc/sysconfig/clock
ZONE="UTC"  #  UTC to be replaced with Canada/Eastern

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