On Thu, 22 Oct 2020 02:45:43 -0700 (PDT)
Sobhan Anavarapu <sobhan.anavar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> can we have multiple when conditions in a single task?
> vars_prompt: 
>  - name: input 
>    prompt: Please enter the option A,B,C 
>    private: no 
>  - name: checking the switchshow 
>    value_command: 
>    command_set:
>     - command: ipaddr
>     - command: ifconfig
>     - command: freespace -m
>     - command: yum repolist  

Instead of a list, put the commands into a dictionary. Test with
debug first. For example

      A: ipaddr
      B: ifconfig
      C: freespace -m
      D: yum repolist
    - name: input
      prompt: Please enter the option {{ command_set.keys()|list }}
      private: no
    - debug:
        msg: Command {{ command_set[input] }}
      when: input in command_set.keys()|list

You'll be better off with "Data driven programming" in similar
use-cases. See

Vladimir Botka

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