Interesting...   I hadn't thought about the versioning thing.  Most of the
stuff we are doing, is either package installs, or basic server
administrative operational type tasks.  We are just getting started using
ansible ( I have been using it for my fleet of Pi's for about 2 ish years
now ), so I don't have a good handle on how many roles we are going to
have.  I would like us to implement some sort of testing environment, using
molecule or some other method as part of this, so hopefully any versioning
issues we hope we can catch in test, but I know that won't be 100%
effective.  I definitely keep going back and forth between a single repo
for all the roles, or a repo per role.

Thanks for the insight, I appreciate it!!


On Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 9:17 AM William McKenzie <>

> One repo per role is the general advice, but it does depend a bit. We
> built a body of over 200 roles at my last job, and over time we found that
> managing a 'package' of know good versions got very unwieldy, and people
> had trouble managing their requirements.yml. Our first solution was to
> build a 'bundle' of roles. So, the devops central team published a package
> of all 200+ roles once per PI, and projects just unzipped the whole thing
> into their build folders as part of CI/CD pipeline. In my new job, I'm
> taking a different approach and using a mono-repo of all the roles and it
> seems to be working well. It has a lot to do with who will use the roles.
> In our case, we have a ton of devs who dont have the time or inclination to
> keep track of versions, or deug issues. They just want a bundle that has
> been tested and is know to work.
> On Tuesday, January 26, 2021 at 1:21:04 PM UTC-6
> wrote:
>> Thanks!!  There's definitely a lot to think about here for sure.  I
>> appreciate the information!!
>> --John
>> On Mon, Jan 25, 2021 at 5:19 PM Jean-Yves LENHOF <>
>> wrote:
>>> Le 25/01/2021 à 16:03, John Petro a écrit :
>>> > Good morning,
>>> >    I am working on setting up an ansible repository, for work.  We are
>>> > going to be using AWX eventually ( sooner rather than later ).  What I
>>> > am wondering, is how people decided to split up their ansible project
>>> > directories. My first thought was to just have a single project with
>>> > all of our playbooks in that but I am starting to question whether
>>> > that is the correct path or not.
>>> Not so obvious to answer !
>>> >
>>> > Along with that, when it comes to source control, are you storing your
>>> > roles in a separate repo per role, or all in one repo.  For myself
>>> > personally ( homelab ), I have a single project, and all of my roles
>>> > have their own repo, but I am not sure how that scales to a larger
>>> > organization.
>>> One role per repo with version tags !
>>> Like this you can use version in your requirements file and decide which
>>> version is working for you in your context. Periodically you need to
>>> update versions and make some adjustments to code after testings !
>>> The more a role is going to be used by different people, the more you
>>> will need a concensus about changes and decide what change can be done
>>> in in a minor and in a major release version !
>>> Regards,
>>> JYL
>>> --
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