Hi ansible squad!

I've been using amazon.aws.ec2 (or community.aws.ec2_instance - ive been 
switching back and forth) to ensure there is an ec2 instance created for 
each {{ inventory_hostname }} by using tags.  It doesn't seem to work.  

Every time I run the playbook with the below play, it just creates a new 
ec2 instance?  How can I make it more idempotent? If the instance already 
exists, dont create a new one?

Preferably without other plays? 

  - name: Ensure EC2 instance exists
      aws_access_key: '{{ aws_access_key }}'
      aws_secret_key: '{{ aws_secret_key }}'
      region: '{{ aws_region }}'
      image: '{{ aws_ec2_ami }}'
      instance_type: '{{ aws_instance_type_web }}'
      vpc_subnet_id: '{{ aws_subnet_id }}'
      group: 'SG-{{ environment_designator }}'
      key_name: 'Keypair-{{ environment_designator }}'
        Mytag.MyEnvironment: ""
        Mytag.MyEnvironment.Environment: '{{ environment_designator }}'
        Mytag.MyEnvironment.Roles: web1
        Mytag.MyEnvironment.Hostname: '{{ inventory_hostname }}'
      wait: yes
      assign_public_ip: no
    register: ec2_instances
    delegate_to: localhost

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