Nevermind: I figured it out: I had confused the role with the module. Turns 
out I don't need to reference the role at all:
- name: Install AV dev R packages
  cran: name={{ item }} state=present
    - tuneR
    - seewave
    PATH: "{{ homebrew_prefix }}/bin:{{ ansible_env.PATH }}"

On Tuesday, 1 June 2021 at 15:51:48 UTC-7 maspotts wrote:

> I'm automating my mac setup using ansible, having great success.  I just 
> can't figure out how to move one particular task from my playbook (where it 
> succeeds) to a role.  The task relies on a module (or possibly a role: it's 
> not entirely clear to me from the context): yutannihilation.module-cran 
> (see: and its job 
> is to install two R packages from CRAN.  This is my (successful) playbook 
> task:
> ```
> - hosts: mac
>   roles:
>     - yutannihilation.module-cran
>   environment:
>     PATH: /opt/brew/bin:{{ ansible_env.PATH }}
>   tasks:
>     - name: Install R packages
>       cran: name={{ item }} state=present
>       with_items:
>         - tuneR
>         - seewav
> ```
> where it works fine.  I've now created a role av_dev, and in 
> roles/av_dev/tasks/main.yml I have tried all manner of things: this is the 
> only form in which ansible doesn't error out, but unfortunately it also 
> doesn't install the packages:
> ```
> - name: Install AV dev R packages
>   include_role:
>     name: yutannihilation.module-cran
>   vars:
>     name: "{{ item }}"
>     state: present
>     environment:
>       PATH: /opt/brew/bin:{{ ansible_env.PATH }}
>   with_items:
>     - tuneR
>     - seewave
> ```
> Note: it's only this task that doesn't work: I have created lots of roles, 
> with lots of tasks, and this is the only task I can't get to work inside a 
> role.  I assume (hope) that it is possible to call this module/role from 
> within my role; if anyone can show me how to do it I'll be very grateful: 
> and no doubt understand ansible a little better as a result.  Many thanks,
> Note: this is cross-posted to stack overflow (
> but I realized this forum is much more appropriate!
> Mike

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