On Monday 07 June 2021 at 12:44:23, Vladimir Botka wrote:

> shell> cat test-003.yml
> - hosts: all
>   gather_facts: false
>   vars:
>     my_filename: test-003.yml
>     my_path: "{{ playbook_dir }}/{{ my_filename }}"
>     my_hash_path: "{{ my_path }}.sha1"
>     my_hash: "{{ (lookup('file', my_hash_path).split()).0 }}"
>   tasks:
>     - name: Test integrity of the playbook
>       block:
>         - stat:
>             path: "{{ my_path }}"
>             checksum_algorithm: sha1
>           register: result
>         - assert:
>             that: result.stat.checksum == my_hash
>       delegate_to: localhost
>       run_once: true

That's a good enough way of checking that the hash of the playbook in question 
does match the stored hash, but...

> shell> sha1sum test-003.yml > test-003.yml.sha1
> shell> cat test-003.yml.sha1
> 9762fde5aa52f72dfcf064fa3062fd41540573af  test-003.yml

...means that it's trivial for someone to take a playbook, modify it, and 
create a new hash file.

I interpret "signed" in the original question to mean something that cannot be 
falsified by someone who is running the ansible commands.


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 - Matt Haig

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