Let me know if this the correct way, any other ways are most welcome to
implement this

- hosts: all
  gether_facts: true
  user: root
    -  name: stop-tomcat
       when: ansible_facts['os_family']== "RedHat"
       command: sh '/opt/deploy/tomcatstop.sh'

    name: start-tomcat
    when: ansible_facts['os_family']== "RedHat"
    command: sh '/opt/deploy/tomcatstart.sh'

    - name: Verifying tomcat service to make sure it is in online state
      shell: "svcs tomcat"
      register: result
      until: result.stdout_lines.1.split().0 == "online"
      retries: 5
      delay: 30

On Tue, Jun 15, 2021 at 3:14 PM Amit Kulkarni <amit1811...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Experts,
> If anyone has has implemented tomcat start and stop on multiple hosts,
> please .let me know.
> Regards
> Amit

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