On 27/10/2021 17:11, dulhaver via Ansible Project wrote:
I figured out that apparently using ansible_become_user: root in the 
defaults.yml is meesing things up

ansible_become_user: root
ansible_root_user: root

in the defaults file and the playbok makes this issue going away. Apparently 
the term ansible_become_user is more then just a string and overwrites all 
other become_user occurences.

I think there is actually no need to set these variables at all as "root" is 
the default.


If I remember correctly it may be even workable to skip the become_user: xyz 
(and just say become: yes) in the playbook if I do not want to become anyone 
else then root and likewise share me this sort of trouble

On 10/27/2021 4:45 PM Jorge Rúa <jruarive...@gmail.com> wrote:


We can't access the playbook here - https://pastebin.com/edit/9Uvjdupe 
<https://pastebin.com/edit/9Uvjdupe> at least I can't. pastebin redirects me to 
the login page. I can however access default_postgres.yml file

I'm going to assume you are using sudo as become_method. I am also going to 
assume selinux is not part of the issue here, nor standard unix permissions or 
posix acls.

When you run the task manually:  /opt/db/postgres/postgresql/bin/initdb -D 
/opt/db/data/postgres/data/ on the target as user postgres ... say you login as 
root to the machine then you run su - postgres, right? At this point you are 
running commands as postgres.

 I'm wondering if you can mimic that very same behaviour adding become_flags to 
the equation:

- name: configure postgres - create database
  command: "{{ postgres_home }}/bin/initdb -D {{ postgres_data }}"
    creates: "{{ postgres_data }}/PG_VERSION"
  become: yes
  become_flags: "su - {{ ansible_postgres_user }} -c"
  become_user: "{{ ansible_postgres_user }}"

Please let me know if that works,


El mié, 27 oct 2021 a las 14:32, dulhaver via Ansible Project 
(<ansible-project@googlegroups.com <mailto:ansible-project@googlegroups.com>>) 


      * here is the entire playbook <https://pastebin.com/edit/9Uvjdupe>
      * here is the defaults_postgres.yml <https://pastebin.com/ZKjis1BA> I 
refer to in it

    I am wondering whether the use of a ...

      * ansible_become_user: root
      * ansbile_postgres_user: postgres

    ... in the same context may be related to my problem

    On 10/27/2021 1:55 PM dulhaver via Ansible Project <ansible-project@googlegroups.com 
<mailto:ansible-project@googlegroups.com>> wrote:

    I have a playbook to install postgresql on a rhel8 target

    one TASK should start the initdb process ...
    - name: configure postgres - create database
      command: "{{ postgres_home }}/bin/initdb -D {{ postgres_data }}"
        creates: "{{ postgres_data }}/PG_VERSION"
      become: yes
      become_user: postgres

    but fails with an "initdb: error: cannot be run as root" error  *details 

    TASK [configure postgres - create database] 
    fatal: [vm-51150-0180.step.zrz.dvz.cn-mv.de 
<http://vm-51150-0180.step.zrz.dvz.cn-mv.de>]: FAILED! => changed=true
    - /opt/db/postgres/postgresql/bin/initdb
    - -D
    - /opt/db/data/postgres/data
    delta: '0:00:00.009346'
    end: '2021-10-27 11:54:25.210944'
    msg: non-zero return code
    rc: 1
    start: '2021-10-27 11:54:25.201598'
    stderr: |-
    initdb: error: cannot be run as root
    Please log in (using, e.g., "su") as the (unprivileged) user that will
    own the server process.
    stderr_lines: <omitted>
    stdout: ''
    stdout_lines: <omitted>

    the TASK however has a particular become_user: postgresspecified. 
Furthermore Selinux is set to @permissive in an erlier TASK.

    Manually running /opt/db/postgres/postgresql/bin/initdb -D 
/opt/db/data/postgres/data/on the target as user postgres works, so I can not 
make much sense of this. It's kind of obvious the become process does not work, 
but I can't figure out why. Plaid a bit with indentation, but did not find any 
solution that works

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