On Thu, 4 Aug 2022 23:43:59 -0700 (PDT)
farrukh ahmed <farrukhahmed4...@gmail.com> wrote:

> with_items:
>   - { regexp: '^text1', line: "text1 = {{ VAR1 }}", when: VAR1 is defined }
>   - { regexp: '^text2', line: "text2 = {{ VAR2 }}" }
>   - { regexp: '^text3', line: "text3 = {{ VAR3 }}" }

Set *default* to avoid errors, add attribute *def*, and select lines.
For example,

shell> cat pb.yml
- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false
      - regexp: '^text1'
        line: 'text1 = {{ VAR1|d("undef") }}'
        def: '{{ VAR1 is defined }}'
      - regexp: '^text2'
        line: 'text2 = {{ VAR2|d("undef") }}'
        def: '{{ VAR2 is defined }}'
      - regexp: '^text3'
        line: 'text3 = {{ VAR3|d("undef") }}'
        def: '{{ VAR3 is defined }}'
    - debug:
        var: item
      loop: "{{ lines|selectattr('def') }}"


shell> ansible-playbook pb.yml -e VAR1=test

PLAY [localhost]

TASK [debug]
ok: [localhost] => (item={'regexp': '^text1', 'line': 'text1 = test',
'def': True}) => ansible_loop_var: item item:
    def: true
    line: text1 = test
    regexp: ^text1

Vladimir Botka

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