Hi all,

Is there a way, or what is the syntax since I can't seem to find it on
importing an ansible playbook and with that applying a specific tag to one
or some of those playbooks?

# Add tsg keys
- import_playbook: tsg.yml
- import_playbook: tsgkey.yml

# Connect to RHSM
- import_playbook: capsule.yml

# Install Server environment for RHEL8
- import_playbook: rhel8_svr_env.yml
*  - add tag here??  Doesn't work.*

# Setup puppet
- import_playbook: chrony.yml

# Do updates
- import_playbook: cfu.yml

# Reboot after updates
- import_playbook: cfr.yml

# Install EPEL
- import_playbook: epel.yml

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