On Sun, 8 Oct 2023 23:36:47 +1300
Kosala Atapattu <kosala.atapa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I did not fully understand the problem, but might worth having a look at
> variable precedence

The problem is as follows: You have two roles and want to override
defaults in the first role by the variables from the second role.

The precedence of variables is a substantial part of the solution. It
is not sufficient though. There might be more solutions depending on
the use-case's details. An option might be creating the below task in
the second role

  shell> cat roles/role2/tasks/instantiate_vars.yml   
  - set_fact:
      var1_common: "{{ var1_common }}"
    when: var1_common is defined

and "instantiate" the variable(s) before you run the first role. This
way *set_fact* (precedence 19.) overrides the roles' defaults
(precedence 2.)

  shell> cat pb.yml
  - hosts: all
      - include_role:
          name: role2
          tasks_from: instantiate_vars
        run_once: true
      - role1


* You don't have to include or import *instantiate_vars.yml* in role2.
* You can "instantiate* more variables.
* You have to keep in mind the limitation of this solution. Only
  precedence 20.-22. are left to override such "instantiated"

Vladimir Botka

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