I'm trying to authenticate to my private registry (AWS ECR) and use docker 
compose to start my container. I have something like this:

    - name: Create AWS credentials file
        dest: "{{ user_details.home }}/.aws/credentials"
        content: |
          aws_access_key_id = {{ aws_access_key_id }}
          aws_secret_access_key = {{ aws_secret_access_key }}
        mode: "0600"
        force: true
      register: aws_credentials_created

    - name: Authenticate to AWS
      ansible.builtin.command: "aws ecr get-login-password --region {{ 
aws_region }} --profile default"
      register: ecr_login_password
      changed_when: true

    - name: Docker login to AWS ECR
        state: present
        username: "AWS"
        password: "{{ ecr_login_password.stdout }}"
        reauthorize: true  # what does this do?
        registry_url: "{{ registry_url }}"
      changed_when: true

    - name: Docker compose container
        project_src: "{{ user_details.home }}/{{ path_to_repos }}/container"
        state: "present"

I can't get the compose task to correctly pull the image from my private 
registry given that I authenticated in the task before.  Is it even 
possible to do this? Setting aside security best practices for the moment, 
how do I get the compose task to pull the image? The compose file has a 
pull policy of "always", so when the task tries to do like "docker compose 
up", it will try to pull the image.

See the error here:
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"actions": [{"id": "my-image", 
"status": "Pulling", "what": "service"}], "changed": false, "cmd": 
"/snap/bin/docker compose --ansi never --progress plain --project-directory 
/home/ubuntu/docker/my-image up --detach --no-color --quiet-pull --", 
"containers": [], "images": [], "msg": "Error when processing my-image: 
Error response from daemon: Head 
no basic auth credentials", "rc": 18, "stderr": " my-image Pulling \n 
my-image Error \nError response from daemon: Head 
no basic auth credentials\n", "stderr_lines": [" my-image Pulling ", " 
my-image Error ", "Error response from daemon: Head 
no basic auth credentials"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}



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