
That's exactly what I wound up doing, actually. I used a property of a
comma separated list, and wrote some javascript to parse it into a list.
Seems to work just fine. It's nice to get some verification that this is a
reasonable way to do it.

Rob Seeger

At 08:50 AM 10/25/01 -0700, you wrote:
>--- Robert Seeger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> - How can I define a "list of items" in ant?
>> I want to be able to say something like
>> <this-package-depends-on-the-following-packages name="pkgdepends">
>>   <item>PkgDatabase</item>
>>   <item>PkgLogger</item>
>>   <item>PkgFtp</item>
>> </this...package>
>I think to do that you'd need to create a new type (eg., <list>) and then
><typedef> it -- but I've not really looked into doing that sort of thing,
>so I can't really tell you much about how to do it.
>The best I can offer at this point is to suggest you make your
>"pkgdepends" a property, and just put the values into it as either a
>space- or comma-separated list.
>> - How can I iterate over that list in javascript?
>> I want to be able to do the following type of thing in javascript...
>> classpath="";
>> prefix="/usr/lib";
>> suffix="src/java";
>> foreach pkg ${pkgdepends} {
>>   if(classpath == "") {
>>     classpath = "$prefix/$pkg/$suffix";
>>   } else {
>>     classpath = "$classpath:$prefix/$pkg/$suffix";
>>   }
>> }
>> project.setProperty("pkg.classpath", $classpath);
><property name="pkgdepends" value="PkgDatabase,PkgLogger,PkgFTP"/>
><property name="pkgdepends" value="PkgDatabase PkgLogger PkgFTP"/>
><property name="pkgdepends" value="PkgDatabase, PkgLogger, PkgFTP"/>
>$ ant -Dpkgdepends="foo, bar, blat" setPkgCP  #you get the idea :)
><target name="setPkgCP">
>  <property name="prefix" value="/usr/lib/"/>
>  <property name="suffix" value="/src/java"/>
>  <script language="javascript"> <![CDATA[
>    importClass(java.util.StringTokenizer);
>    prefix = projname.getProperty("prefix");
>    suffix = projname.getProperty("suffix");
>    pkgs = new StringTokenizer(projname.getProperty("pkgdepends"), " ,");
>    sep = projname.getProperty("path.separator");
>    cp = "";
>    while (pkgs.hasMoreTokens()) {
>      pkg = pkgs.nextToken();
>      if(cp){
>        cp = cp + sep + prefix + pkg + suffix;
>      }
>      else{
>        cp = prefix + pkg + suffix;
>      }
>    }
>    projname.setProperty("pkg.classpath", cp);
>  ]]> </script>
>  <echo message="${pkg.classpath}"/>
>Note: Replace "projname" with the actual name of your project. Also, if
>you don't need to allow "prefix" and "suffix" to be overridden, you don't
>really need to set them as properties -- just set them as vars in the
>script directly.
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Robert Seeger
Network Engineer
Nortel Networks

Telephone:      (518)237-2087
Pager:          (800)SKY-8888  Pin#1264792
Fax:            (518)237-4190
Email:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Address:        224 5th Ave, Apt#2
                Lansingburgh, NY 12182

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