On Tue, 30 Oct 2001, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>    <arg line="..\..\..\..\EpiCenter\cleansql\EO.sql Epicenter_Oracle_postproc.sql 

would probably better be

  <arg file="..\..\..\..\EpiCenter\cleansql\EO.sql" />
  <arg value="Epicenter_Oracle_postproc.sql" />
  <arg value="func_index" />

(I don't know whether the last two would be file names as well).  That
way you can be sure that your first argument will be resolved as being
relative to your projects basedir (no matter what your current working
directory is).

> When I run the thing with java from the command line in the same
> directory, it works with no problems.

Run ant -verbose to see which command line it generates and try that

> How do I debug the path issues in Ant in general, there seems to be
> a lot of confusion going on with multiple build files and different
> ${basedirs}.

A good first reading is <http://jakarta.apache.org/ant/problems.html>.


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