Guillaume Rousse wrote:

> I have to build a jar with some special options in manifest, so i use a 
> pseudo-manifest file with such options, and let jar task complete it.
> However, it spits out large number of warning as the pseudo-manifest is not 
> OK:
> jar:
>       [jar] Building jar: /home/guillaume/dev/work/osis/build/lib/osis-0.3.jar
>       [jar] Manifest warning: "Name" attributes should not occur in the main 
> section and must be the first element in all other sections: "Name: 
> fr/jussieu/snv/lis/osis/model/name/NameModification.class"
>       [jar] Manifest warning: "Name" attributes should not occur in the main 
> section and must be the first element in all other sections: "Name: 
> fr/jussieu/snv/lis/osis/model/name/FamilyGroupName.class"
> [...]
> My pseudo-manifest is:
> Name: fr/jussieu/snv/lis/osis/model/name/NameModification.class
> Java-Bean: truer/jussieu/snv/lis/osis/model/name/NameModification.class"
> Name: fr/jussieu/snv/lis/osis/model/name/NameCreation.class
> Java-Bean: true
> [...]
> So, is there a way to avoid such warnings ? Should i use a complete manifest 
> instead ?

The best thing to do will be to add a blank line before each "Name:" 
line. This is required by the jar specification to separate manifest 


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