James Stewart wrote:

> Hi,
> I am currently having a problem creating an ejb-jar file. I get the 
> following errors, I don't know how serious these erros are, but I am 
> having problems with deployment so I don't know if this is the cause or 
> not.

Let me address the issues one by one

> createPlayerJar:
> Could not resolve ( publicId: -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise 
> JavaBeans 2.0//EN, systemId: http://java.sun.com/dtd/ejb-jar_2_0.dtd) to 
> a local entity

When the XML parser in Ant parses the deployment descriptor for your 
bean, it will try to download the DTD from the given systemId address - 
namely http://java.sun.com/dtd/ejb-jar_2_0.dtd. Now that is normally as 
slow as a wet week and if you are behind a firewall, it just won't work 
at all. What you need to do is to tell the XML parser where it can find 
a local copy of the DTD. So, download or otherwise acquire a copy of the 
DTD and store it in some well known location and then use the <dtd> 
nested element to tell the ejbjar task about it. Please refer to the 
<ejbjar> documentation for the usage of the <dtd> nested element.

> Could not load class com.whatever.league.PlayerHome for super class check
> Could not load class com.whatever.league.Player for super class check
> Could not load class com.whatever.league.PlayerBean for super class check

When <ejbjar> adds your bean files to the jar it is going to pass to 
ejbc, it will try to add any superclasses and interfaces to the jar as 
well. Currently it does that by loading the classes and introspecting 
them to find the super classes. If it cannot load the beans into the VM, 
it gives that warning. It will still add the class files to the 
generated jar so you can possibly still use the jar. You will need to 
set the classpath attribute to some appropriate classpath to allow the 
classes to load.


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