Hi !

I have the following problem:

I have defined a new task named 'configuration', that
read XML datas. These task return the property
'was.home'. And I use these new task as follow:

<target name="configuration">
           <configuration block="Server"
configproperty="wasHome" property="was.home">
              <classpath refid="configuration.class.path"/>

Then, I have a target to compile beans. In this
target, we refer to a PATH element.
<target name="compileBeans" depends="configuration">
<javac .....>
<classpath refid="beans.class.path"/>

The PATH element is defined so:
<path id="basic.class.path">
                <pathelement path="${class.dir}"/>
                <fileset dir="${was.home}/lib">
                        <include name="**/*.zip"/>

AND THE PROBLEM IS: the property ${was.home} is NOT
resolved in the path element !!!!!!!!!

Thanks for the help,

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