No it is not possible.
Search the archive and you will find the question asked many times.
I posted yesterday about how to do an XML cluge to include snippets of
build scripts...

-----Original Message-----
From: Eddie Espino [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 19 November 2001 22:15
Subject: Reference IDs ... can they be inherited?

Is it possible to inherit Reference IDs in a subsequent <ant> invoked
task?  I would like to set a "classpath" Reference id in the top-level
build file.  I'll use it to setup references to widely used vendor and
internal jar files.  I would like all lower level build.xml files to
have access to them through the Reference id mechanism.  Is it possible?
Does this question make sense?
Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

Eddie Espino 

Tascola, Inc.
12647 Alcosta Blvd., Suite 350
San Ramon, CA 94583
Phone: (925) 244.9893
Cell: (925) 437-3734
Fax: (925) 244-6781 <> 

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