On Wed, 05 Dec 2001, Franck Routier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> <taskdef name="Xmlc" classname="org.enhydra.barracuda.taskdefs.Xmlc"
>                      classpath="lib/ant-barracuda.jar"/>

> +Task: taskdef
> Class org.enhydra.barracuda.taskdefs.Xmlc loaded from parent loader

the key here is "from parent loader" - that is the class is on your
system classpath.

> Xmlc due to java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

It seems to find the task class itself, but fails to load some other
classes that this task depends upon.

Don't put anything into ANT_HOME/lib and try with an empty CLASSPATH
so that you can be sure that org.enhydra.barracuda.taskdefs.Xmlc will
be loaded from the jar file you are pointing taskdef to.


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