Bleah.  It's not worth it then.  Specifying the default locations inside the
build.xml, as opposed to the file, is not ideal.  I guess
there's no clean way to get both.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dominique Devienne [mailto:DDevienne@;]
> Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 1:13 PM
> To: 'Ant Users List'
> Subject: RE: Best way to get paths either from env vars or properties
> file ?
> No, really, what I told you if the only way I can think of. 
> Your approach
> doesn't work (it's similar, but not the same), because even 
> when the env.
> var is not set, your assigning the thingX.home anyway (literally to
> '${env.XYZ}'), and then it cannot be changed. That's why you need to
> override the env.XYZ property name which will not be set if 
> the env. var is
> not set. --DD
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Karr, David [mailto:david.karr@;] 
> Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 3:02 PM
> To: 'Ant Users List'
> Subject: RE: Best way to get paths either from env vars or 
> properties file ?
> I set up something similar, but it didn't appear to work.
> My build.xml has the following at the top of the "project" element:
>  <property environment="env"/>
>  <property file=""/>
>  <property file=""/>
> My "" file looks something like this:
>  thing1.home  = ${env.THING1_HOME}
>  thing2.home  = ${env.THING2_HOME}
> My "" file looks something like this:
>  thing1.home = c:/thing1path
>  thing2.home = c:/thing2path
> In my "init" target in my "build.xml", I have something like 
> the following:
>  <available file="${thing1.home}" property="thing1.present" 
> type="dir"/>
>  <fail message="Missing thing1 home" unless="thing1.present"/>
>  <available file="${thing2.home}" property="thing2.present" 
> type="dir"/>
>  <fail message="Missing thing2 home" unless="thing2.present"/>
> I then made sure my environment had "THING1_HOME" set to a 
> valid path, and
> "THING2_HOME" unset.
> When I ran "ant" (version 1.5), I got this (some abbreviated):
>  Buildfile: build.xml
>  init:
>  file:C:/.../build.xml:28: Missing thing2 home
>  Total time: 2 seconds
> So, "thing1" didn't have any problems, because the envvar was 
> set.  The
> "THING2_HOME" variable was not set, however, and apparently 
> the line in
> "" setting "thing2.home" had no effect, 
> seemingly because it
> was "already set", even though the value was null.
> In order for this scheme to work, when "ant" finds a property 
> setting, it
> needs to ignore it if the value is already set, but use it if 
> the current
> value is null.  Is there anyway to get it to work that way?

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