Don't know anything about (1), and I've used <update> a few times in the
past for (2), but I don't understand the context exactly. Can you elaborate
what needs to get checked against what? I'm EJB/J2EE ignorant...

Maybe <dependset> would help? It's more powerful than <uptodate>, but is not
a condition, and removes files... And doesn't even set a property to find
out if it removed anything...


-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Dougherty [mailto:MDougherty@;XIFIN.Com] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 11:06 AM
To: Ant Users (E-mail)
Subject: Another uptodate question

This is kind of a two part question.
1) I am using <ejbajr> with a nested <weblogic> to generate our EJBs to an
outputdir. I expected the task to check the files in srcdir to see if they
are uptodate before executing. However, it doesn't seem to be doing that,
even when I set rebuild="no". Are my expectations correct?
2) To work around the issue above I am trying to use <uptodate>. What would
be perfect is if I could do something like:
    <uptodate property="ejbs.uptodate" >
      <srcfiles dir="${build.classes.dir}">
        <include name="**/ejb/**/*.class" />
      <fileset dir="${build.ejb.dir}">
        <include name="**/ejb/**/*.class" />

But that's not possible since <uptodate> doesn't support nested filesets.
I've tried using a <mapper> to accomplish the same thing but with no
success. Any suggestions on how to get the desired effect?
Thanks for your help,

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