
It's possible nobody here can (although I wouldn't want to speak for
everyone). Those questions should more properly be directed towards the
RIPE NCC, or, more likely, the RIPE NCC Executive Board, all of whom are
lovely people.

The latter can be reached at

I'm happy to pass this query on on your behalf?


Brian Nisbet, Network Operations Manager
HEAnet Limited, Ireland's Education and Research Network
1st Floor, 5 George's Dock, IFSC, Dublin 1
Registered in Ireland, no 275301  tel: +35316609040  fax: +35316603666

On 11/08/2016 07:00, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
> In message <>, 
> Erik Bais <> wrote:
>> May I propose to do a call and explain a bit about the community and the NCC
>> roles ? And the WG's etc ?
> Thanks for the generous offer Eric, but I am fine for now, I think.
> Anyway, I think it is better, actually, if some of my questions get
> answered here, in public, on the mailing list.  Then I can refer to
> those answers later on, when someone tells me my proposal is crap. :-)
> I am still awaiting answers to the following very important questions,
> which I have already posted.  Surely _someone_ must know the answers,
> and the answers should be quite simple, not even worthy of taking up
> any voice time, as the answers should not need any explaining:
>    In the entire history of RIPE NCC, as a formal association under Dutch
>    law, has there ever been any instance in which The Association has
>    applied either Section 6.1(b) or Section 6.1(e) of the Articles of
>    Association?  If so, on how many separate occasions have such terminations
>    occured?
>    With respect to each such instance, if any, has The Association obeyed
>    in full the stipulation, as to its own behavior, which is contained
>    within Section 10.5 of the Articles of Association?
> Can no one really answer these rather rudimentary questions?
> Regards,
> rfg

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