
The RIPE NCC staff have put together the draft minutes from RIPE75. I
would appreciate if you could take a look and let me know of any errors,
issues or required corrections.

RIPE 75 Anti-Abuse Working Group Minutes

Wednesday, 25 October 2017, 11:00 - 12:30
WG Co-Chair: Brian Nisbet

Scribe: Nathalie Trenaman, RIPE NCC

Status: Draft

A. Administrative Matters

Brian Nisbet opened the meeting and welcomed the working group.

There was one addition to the agenda: Jan Žorž will do a brief
presentation about the BCOP work. The minutes for the RIPE 74 meeting
were approved.

B. Update
B1. Recent list Discussion

Brian mentioned that there was nothing much to reference content-wise on
the mailing list apart from the usual discussions.

The RIPE community Code of Conduct is extended and includes the mailing

There was positive feedback about this development.

C. Policies

C1. Policies: 2017-02 (Regular Abuse-C Validation) - Gregory Mounier and
Hervé Clemens

The presentation is available at:

Jan Žorž, ISOC, said he liked the idea of an auto-responder and wanted
to give RIPE NCC the mandate to validate contacts, but he was not sure
about the frequency of once-a-year for validation. Jan thinks that over
90% of the contacts are probably correct.

Ruediger Volk, Deutsche Telekom, stressed his point that he would like
to see a guideline document for abuse-c contact information.

Brian Nisbet pointed out that this has been a discussion before and that
more input was then requested and not received.

Ruediger Volk added that the RIPE NCC already has the mandate to keep
the registry accurate and that there is no need for a separate policy to
enforce that.
A repercussion of closing an LIR from this policy violates the Standard
Service Agreement (SSA).

Nigel Titley, RIPE NCC Executive Board, stated that if this becomes a
policy, it becomes automatically part of the SSA.

Piotr Strzyžewski, Silesian University of Technology, Computer Centre,
said he missed the financial impact slide in this presentation.

Gregory Mounier, Europe, explained that it would be in the impact
analysis, produced by the RIPE NCC.

Piotr Strzyžewski said that in the General Meeting yesterday, it was
discussed that there should not be an increase of more RIPE NCC staff
members. He added that he feared robots and automation will be set up by
members to deal with the process.

Andrew de la Haye, RIPE NCC, explained that there would be an impact
analysis published in the next phase of the policy process. If the
policy would reach consensus, they would not include the cost factor.
The cost factor will be discussed in the General Meeting.

Erik Bais, A2B Internet, said that he thought the ARC (Assisted Registry
Check) process was the right process for this and that the RIPE NCC had
enough issues chasing members for ARCs. He added that he was strongly
against the part of this policy proposal that mentions closing members.

Andrea Cima, RIPE NCC, commented that the RIPE NCC wouldn’t be able to
contact all the members through ARCs on a yearly basis, but they can
partially use ARCs to prioritise those members where they think the
abuse-c information is incorrect. He added that they do not know the
numbers yet, so ARCs may not be enough to fulfil. ARCs can help but it's
not the full solution.

Peter Hessler, Hostserver GmbH, stated that he is very much against this
policy. He said it was a waste of resources in all areas and he is
extremely against the closure clause of this policy proposal.

Alexander Isavin, Internet Protection Society, said that what is sad
about this policy proposal, was that is comes from law enforcement. He
added that RIPE is not about helping law enforcement, but to support

Brian Nisbet says that they should not forget that law enforcement is
part of their community.

Gregory Mounier said that by monitoring an email address, law
enforcement would not be able to investigate criminals and that this
policy proposal is for the good of the community.

William Sylvester, Addrex, asked if this policy proposal excluded legacy
space holders.

Brian replied that it did because they have no ability to impose policy
on legacy address space.

William said he opposes policies that reclaim any space.

Brian added that this raised an interesting point because it's been said
a couple of times and this is something for the community to consider,
not specifically to this. If people don't support a policy which may
lead potentially to the revocation of resources (speaking purely as
himself here), it puts the community in a very interesting position in
regards to what they may or may not be able to do in the future and the
policies which currently exist which can lead to closure of members and
revocation of resources. It is a very general comment, that is an
interesting thing because it was referenced during the General Meeting
last time as well.

Gregory commented that he would also like to include the legacy space,
but he was told not to.

Jordi Palet Martinez, The IPv6 Company, said that he was in favour of
this proposal because it improved contact information. He said that a
form is not a good idea, because it is a waste of resources. An email
should be answered in a certain amount of days.

Brian added that version two of this policy proposal would be sent to
the mailing list soon.

D. Interactions
D1. Working Groups - RIPE Database and Implementation of “abuse-c"

Brian encouraged everyone to look at the conversations on the Database
mailing list and to attend the Database Working Group session if they
wanted to discuss this topic. He said he was not going to go into it
here because it was a piece of work on the database but it was worth
referencing because it's about the abuse‑c.

E. Presentation
E1. Netflow Based Botnet Detection - Alireza Vaziri

The presentation is available

There were no questions or comments.

E2. Pre-Transfer Clean-Up of Abused Prefixes - Erik Bais

The presentation is available at:

Brian asked how to make contact with the larger RBLs (Real-Time
Blackhole Lists) and how to persuade them to update their information.

Erik said they had some experience with them because of GRUMbot, but the
people from Shadowserver have very good contacts. Typically is wasn’t
that hard to get them to update their information.
Gregory Mounier asked if he knew how the bad guys got the IPs, was it

Erik replied that the IP space was from a Dutch hosting provider that
was a member of the RIPE NCC. So it was customers that were in this
space that were using it for this type of activity and hiding their
command and control servers.


Jan Žorž presented about a new idea from the BCOP (Best Current
Operational Practice) Task Force. It is about IPv6 and mail servers; how
to protect them, including DKIM, DMARC etc.

Jan asked if there were any volunteers in the WG to help write this
document. Jan will send a mail to the mailing list as well.

Peter Koch, DENIC, asked about the scope of this best practice document
and if there was a guideline for these operational best practices.

Jan Žorž replied that Franck Martin from LinkedIn wrote something
already, but  he wants a BCOP document for a broader audience.

Z. Agenda for RIPE 76

Brian closed the meeting and reminded people to submit topics for the
RIPE 76 agenda.

Brian Nisbet
Network Operations Manager
HEAnet CLG, Ireland's National Education and Research Network
1st Floor, 5 George's Dock, IFSC, Dublin D01 X8N7, Ireland
Registered in Ireland, No. 275301. CRA No. 20036270

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