On Mon, 28 May 2018 12:13:32 -0700
"Ronald F. Guilmette" <r...@tristatelogic.com> wrote:
> >The EU has truly become a world and global leader in the reclamation
> >of individual rights and the free Internet.   
> Here on this side of the pond, one usually has to turn on Fox News in
> order to be treated to this level of rubbish.
or read a Tweet from the President of the United States that says the
evil democratic party is responsible for the separation of little
children from their refugee parents - whereas and in truth it is the
President himself that is responsible. - And innocent little children
are being "lost" by the thousands by the American Government?


The USA and US citizens have lost credibility or any moral high ground.

As far as Fox news are concerned (are they the people that say "Good
Morning President Trump", when broadcasting to the US each morning?)

As far as Internet Abuse and 'private' "researchers" are concerned: So,
private researchers have 'rights' to obtain other 'private' people's
private information? 

I cannot wait for the EU to yet again lead the world with ePrivacy
as all the USA does is dominate, control, track, divide and so many
other negative things.

The EU has become an innovator, protector and Internet light.

> The only thing that has happened is that private researchers the world
> over have been effectively blinded due to the supreme arogance and
> idiocy of europeans... europeans who, in their religious fervor, have
> come to view it as their holy obligation to foist their demented
> notions onto the rest of the world, whether any of the rest of us
> like it or not.
> Meanwhile the malevolent forces of state-sponsored intrigue and
> violation of human rights are and shall remain totally unfettered and

violation of human rights? 


Your government loses innocent little children and you have the
audacity to lecture?

When you take a little baby or a 2 year old (still also a baby) and
LOSE that human person?

Have you no shame?

With whatever respect you deserve: You cannot lecture or comment on
"state-sponsored intrigue and violation of human rights" 

As your own country is part of the problem, that others have to help
you solve and resolve. 

As for abuse and as to how this all relates to abuse: It is mostly US
companies that are infringing on the privacy of citizens of all other 

I need not rehash how the top USA Internet companies abuse children,
develop technology to kill people or completely colonise and enslave
developing societies.

or even lose the little babies they have violently dragged from the
hands of their mothers.


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