
As you're all aware Alireza stepped down as Co-Chair at the end of his term at 
RIPE 83. As nobody put themselves forward for the third position at that time 
it was not filled, which is fine.

Since then a community member contacted Tobias and I, expressing an interest in 
helping to Chair the WG. They were rather engaged with important life matters 
last autumn and did not have the chance to put themselves forward at that point.

What we are now proposing is that this person is introduced to the WG as a 
potential Co-Chair (likely with a term technically starting at RIPE 83) and the 
WG can either accept them or not. This is your choice, of course.

So, as a first stage, does any object to this happening "out of cycle"? I'm 
very happy to say that silence indicates consent here, but if you have any 
objections then please state them here or to before 17:00 
CET on Wednesday 26th January.

If that is all good, we'll proceed with the next phase.

Thank you all,

Co-Chair, RIPE AA-WG

Brian Nisbet (he/him)

Service Operations Manager

HEAnet CLG, Ireland's National Education and Research Network

1st Floor, 5 George's Dock, IFSC, Dublin D01 X8N7, Ireland


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