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From: Nicholas Camerota

U.S. Looking at Spacecraft as Bomber 

Times Staff Writer

July 28 2001

WASHINGTON -- The Pentagon is exploring development of a futuristic "space bomber" 
that could destroy targets on the other side of the world in 30 minutes but could also 
intensify the growing international debate over the militarization of space.

As part of its program to modernize the military, Secretary of Defense Donald H. 
Rumsfeld directed the Pentagon last month to look into "sub-orbital space vehicles" 
that "would be valuable for conducting rapid global strikes," according to a planning 
document issued under his name.

The bomber, possibly manned, would blast off like a long-range missile and could drop 
precision bombs from heights of 60 miles or more. Traveling at 15 times the speed and 
10 times the altitude of current heavy bombers, it would help the Pentagon overcome 
one of its most worrisome problems: How to destroy distant targets in light of the 
declining numbers--and increasing vulnerability--of U.S. military bases abroad.

Pentagon officials insist such a spacecraft would not mark a further move to 
militarize space because its targets would be on Earth and it would not make a full 
orbit of the planet. Its ultimate prospects before Congress are far from certain, 
though analysts pointed out that such a program could escape a direct vote if it is 
included in a secret "black budget" request.

In any event, the plane is sure to ignite protests from foreign governments and arms 
control advocates because it could be adapted to defend U.S. satellites or strike 
those of enemies, analysts say.

The administration's plans for military uses of space have already been under intense 
scrutiny because of officials' previous hints that they want to take a more assertive 
approach in this area.

In May, when Rumsfeld reorganized Pentagon space programs to give them more 
prominence, arms control advocates and congressional critics reacted angrily, accusing 
Rumsfeld of opening the way to placing arms in space. Arming space was "the single 
dumbest thing I've heard in this administration," Sen. Tom Daschle (D-S.D.), then 
minority leader and now majority leader of the Senate, said at the time.

Rumsfeld denied the accusation, but he and other senior officials have said that the 
United States--with far more satellites than any other country--needs to be able to 
defend itself and that technology.

While the Pentagon's interest in the bomber is conceptual, it could move quickly 
toward a procurement program by adapting an experimental reusable spacecraft that was 
under development by NASA for five years at Lockheed Martin's Skunk Works facility in 

After investing about $1 billion, NASA canceled the X-33 Venture Star program in March 
because of technical problems and cost concerns.

But the military's top space official, Air Force Gen. Ralph E. Eberhart, commander of 
U.S. Space Command, has since expressed a strong interest in having the program taken 
over by the Air Force. Eberhart is considered a leading candidate to become Rumsfeld's 
choice as next chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the top military post.

The idea of a rocket-propelled space bomber has been around in various forms since the 
1930s, when Austrian rocket scientist Eugen Sanger urged Adolf Hitler to build an 
"antipodal bomber" called the Silver Bird that could skip across the outer edge of the 
atmosphere to strike New York City. Hitler was cool to the plan, but the idea of a 
bomber that could streak in an orbital path around the globe has captivated rocket 
scientists and science-fiction enthusiasts ever since.

Rear Adm. Craig Quigley, a senior Pentagon spokesman, said the Pentagon wants to fully 
explore the concept because, in a crisis, "the military couldn't get anything [to a 
war zone] faster than this. . . . It could be useful in any number of scenarios."

Advocates in industry contend that a space bomber could be built to strike any target 
on the globe and return to its base in the United States in less than 90 minutes. By 
comparison, during the 1999 airstrikes on Kosovo, U.S. B-2 bombers flew from western 
Missouri to the Balkans in a round trip that lasted about 24 hours.

Advocates say such a bomber could strike key targets, like deeply buried command 
bunkers or air defense sites, in the first minutes of a war to make it safe for 
subsequent attack by other bombers or fighter aircraft.

With its speed and altitude, such a bomber would be out of reach of conventional air 

Weapons dropped from the height of space would have such destructive power when they 
reached the ground that they would have no need for explosive warheads. They would be 
well suited to act as "bunker busters"--bombs that seek to pierce the reinforced 
concrete walls that are increasingly used to shield underground command centers.

But though this would be its initial mission, many observers around the globe would 
quickly focus on the extraterrestrial uses of such a fearsome-sounding plane, analysts 

Some would see it as "the camel's nose under the tent," said James M. Lindsay, a 
Brookings Institution scholar and former National Security Council staff member.

John E. Pike, director of the research organization, predicted 
that, with its Buck Rogers overtones, the space bomber "would become the poster child 
for the militarization of space."

Europeans and Asians who are already nervous about America's growing lead in military 
hardware would see this technology as an unsettling new example and raise new 
questions about American "hegemonism," he predicted.

But others argue that the migration of the military into space is inevitable and that 
the United States, with the most to lose, must take advantage of promising 
technologies before others do.

Frank Gaffney, president of the Center for Security Policy, a pro-defense think tank 
with ties to Rumsfeld, called the spacecraft "one of the obvious transformational 
capabilities that I hope will be coming out of Rumsfeld's review" of the military.

He acknowledged that such a spacecraft "could be used just as easily for 
anti-satellite purposes as for targets on the ground."

Rumsfeld, who advocated a greater military use of space as chairman of a congressional 
study panel earlier this year, signaled his interest in the space bomber in a document 
that is a road map to the military reforms he wants to make.

Called "Guidance and Terms of Reference for the 2001 Quadrennial Defense Review," it 
offers guidance for the military planners who are devising changes to the armed forces 
and their strategy.

The paper is conceptual and largely avoids specifics on new military capabilities. In 
that context, the paper's direct assertion that a sub-orbital military space plane 
"would be valuable" is a strong statement of interest, said analyst Pike. The document 
makes no reference to how much such a craft might cost, but Pike speculated that it 
might run to a few billion dollars rather than tens of billions.

Over the years, designers have considered various approaches to military space planes, 
some with human pilots and some without. Most recent designs have involved reusable 
launch vehicles, in an effort to keep costs down.

One of the principal engineering challenges is developing propulsion systems powerful 
enough to carry the spacecraft not only through the atmosphere but also through the 
remainder of its trip.

Another challenge is developing thermal protection sufficient to stand up to the heat 
of atmospheric reentry, in which temperatures rise to thousands of degrees.

But the bigger issue is not one of physics but of cost, analysts say.

"It's very attractive, in principle," said Loren Thompson, chief operating officer of 
Lexington Institute, a Virginia think tank. "The key question is, can it be made 

Copyright 2001, Los Angeles Times

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