Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK


yes, I found it was one I had visited before. A lot of
the Macedonian leadership STILL don't realise what's

What I really object to is the role of our very own
Master Tony and his acolytes in this.
One news item - they started work on the crucial
underwater Bosporus crossing section of the pipeline
last month - it was obvious that the stories of
short-distance pipelines from Varna and a Black Sea
ferry service of supertankers was a blind. 

Nice 0ne - I'd forgotten about the Pastor Neimoller

The reason for this is that in the US. and Canada many
are related to Ustasa or Chetniks who left in 1945 or
have been influenced by them. Another problem is lack
of publicity on the WWII massacres - no co-incidence,
i discovered that truman and the US. gov't were very
strongly pro-Mikhailovic and the Chetniks, far more so
than their British creators, with several spreads in
"Time" devoted to him and a faction of the US.
administration - (the C. on FR, and Dulles) -  wanted
to go for the old British scheme of an invasion in SE.
Europe to put him in power, well after the British had
switched to Tito.

The result is more clarity in Britain, the Ustasa's
activities were known years ago and strangely some of
the strongest voices were right-wing - former militaty
liaison officers to Tito's HQ. Straight in in 1991 -
"Fourth Reich !".
There were some very good documentaries on "The

But we have another problem, the "Left" almost
entirely went along with the official propaganda. I'm
just firing off a few broadsides at the moment to try
to get them to take some action on macedonia,


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK
> ---------------------------------------------
> Rich,
>     Go to the link. Sadly, it is just a new group of
> people in the Balkans 
> who thought they could be left undisturbed by the
> rampages of the US 
> government and NATO. (good sources there, though, it
> is well done, the 
> webpage).
>     As they calmly went about their Macedonian
> "independent" business for the 
> past 10 years or so, many of the people of Macedonia
> may have thought they 
> would be safe from NATO machinations . Now,  they
> are learning the truth. The 
> same forces that broke up Yugoslavia and the liars
> who talk out of two sides 
> of their mouths are coming after them. To paraphrase
> Niemoeller,
> " They came for the Slovenians but I wasn't a
> Slovenian, so I didn't speak 
> out, and they came for the Croatians but I wasn't a
> Croatian so i didn't 
> speak out, and they came for the Bosnians, but I
> wasn't a Bosnian so i didn't 
> speak out, and they came for the Serbs (they ALWAYS
> came for the Serbs) and I 
> didn't speak out., And now when they came for the
> Macedonians (and make no 
> mistake it will be the Greeks, next, in "Chimeria,
> as the fascists among the 
> Albanians call it), there was no one left to speak
> out. "
>     So many of the Yugoslav people in the US and
> Canada are and were 
> conservative and anti-socialist, that they never
> really understood why the 
> US/NATO went after their country. It is infuriating,
> but that is a major part 
> of the problem. So many are bewildered and depressed
> and confused by the 
> events of the last 12 years. They see the connection
> with oil and resources, 
> pipelines and  cheap labor of the east, but they
> don't REALLY  get it, 
> because they may not have opposed US policy toward
> the rest of the world or 
> may  have been beneficiaries of the system which
> exploits others. 
>     The Anti-Globalist movement needs to take this
> on. To oppose NATO 
> expansion is a priority that has to make the links
> with anti-imperialist 
> struggle and the anti-Militarist struggle. It's
> coming. Some of the youth see 
> it. We are all trying to clarify it.  I am
> optimistic!
> Regards, 
> Heather 
> -------------------------------------------------
> This Discussion List is the follow-up for the old
> stopnato that has been shut down

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