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Pyongyang, August 15 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today runs a signed
article on the real purpose of the bush administration in establishing the
Missile Defense System. The U.S. is persistently calling for MD in a bid to
create war fear, stop the popular masses from rising up in the anti-U.S.
struggle, contain independent countries and big powers with its nuclear
superiority and have world supremacy.
The U.S. is seeking to seize the military strategic initiative and put
political and military pressure upon China, Russia, the European Union and
Asian countries. It also seeks to spark a new global arms race.
It aims to establish a powerful missile offensive network to prevent the
appearance of a new superpower and a regional powerful state by its military
edge and stifle by force of arms those countries which disobey its
instructions. The U.S. moves to establish the missile defense system are a
very dangerous and adventurous attempt to modernize its missile equipment
still further and achieve its aggressive military and political purpose with
its nuclear advantage.
The U.S. is trying to expand and strengthen the aggressive military bloc
through the establishment of the missile defense system and inveigle more
countries into this system so as to make them dependent on it militarily.
Through the MD establishment the u.s. also seeks to save its economy
from a crisis. 
The Bush administration is pushing ahead with the establishment of the
Missile Defense System under the pretext of "threat" from the DPRK. This is
sheer sophism. 
Nuclear weapons, missiles and other sophisticated combat equipment
amassed in and around South Korea are always aiming at the DPRK. However,
the Bush administration is using "threat" from the DPRK as a pretext to
threaten it militarily and make a forestalling missile attack on it any
moment. The U.S. MD is a product of its ambition to suffocate the DPRK by
force of arms. 


[Via Communist Internet... ]

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