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"Scribblers in Manhattan know what's best for the people of Eastern Europe and the world; locals can't be trusted to recognize their true interests - after all, look how often they vote the wrong way."

And not just the scribes of the wire services and Manhattan editorial desks - let's not forget the scribes in the Peace Movement, Civil Society Inc., and the innumerable outposts of the Birkenstock International; the Herrenvolk in casual dress, who dole out pious lectures to Eastern Europeans about their "nationalism" ("Imagine there's no countries...")and the perils of "anti-Nato militarism" - roughly the equivalent of evoking the threat of "African-American militarism" during the Reconstruction era - as their own countries continue their unprovoked and murderous march to the gates of Moscow. They make me want to eat greasy food from non-biodegradable containers and play "Kalifornia Über Alles" at peak volume.

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