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----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2001 10:42 AM
Subject: Nepal: Hopes Of Breakthrough - Maoists Say They Are Committed ToPeace - BBC

From: "Stasi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2001 08:16:41 +0100
To: "Peoples War" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Peoples War] Nepal: Hopes Of Breakthrough - Maoists Say They Are
Committed To Peace - BBC Online

Friday, 31 August, 2001, 12:29 GMT 13:29 UK

Hopes of Nepal breakthrough

The Maoists say they are committed to peace

By Sushil Sharma from Kathmandu

Hopes for the peaceful settlement of the Maoist insurgency in Nepal have
increased after the first formal talks between the government and the

There has been no substantive outcome, but the talks are the beginning of
the negotiating process.

The first face-to-face meeting between the two sides has helped reduce
mutual distrust and increase crucial confidence.

The outcome of Thursday's four-hour long meeting at the luxury resort,
Godavari, on the outskirts of the capital, Kathmandu, has been welcomed by
violence-weary Nepalis.

Committed to talks

Having witnessed the death of nearly 1,800 people in less than six years of
the bloody Maoist rebellion, the generally peaceful Nepalis had been longing
for peace.

Nearly 1,800 people have died in less than six years

What until recently was considered elusive now looks achievable following
the first formal peace talks.

The most significant factor about the talks was the public commitment of the
government and the rebels to peace.

The two sides vowed to resolve all problems and differences peacefully.

In keeping with this commitment, they have agreed to continue talking - with
the next round scheduled in two weeks.

This has increased hopes that the truce, which came into force last month,
will become permanent. Not surprisingly, the mood is upbeat.


The outcome of the first formal talks have been widely hailed as a vital
breakthrough, though fundamental differences still divide the government and
the rebels.

The government is determined to defend the constitutional monarchy and multi
party parliamentary democracy, which the rebels want to replace with a
communist republic.

But the two sides can ill afford to let these differences get the better of
the peace moves, in the wake of the continuing pressure at home and abroad
for a negotiated solution.

It is likely that despite their public rhetoric the rebels will eventually
settle for much less than what they have been fighting for - a republican

The government is also likely to be flexible enough to agree to drastic
changes in the present constitution to accommodate most of the rebels'

The journey ahead looks exciting after the first formal peace talks in six
years, but the road to peace will certainly not be without hurdles.


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