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<<<Constantine left Greece in 1968 and has lived in
London most of the time since then. He was deposed in
a popular referendum after the seven-year dictatorship
of the Colonels, which he initially supported,

  King Constantine, a fine democrat and believer in the rule of law
and the people's will...

On 4 Sep 01, at 0:56, Rick Rozoff wrote:

> Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK
> ---------------------------------------------
> [King Constantine joins Bulgaria's King Simeon (now
> prime minister), Romania's King Michael, Yugoslavia's
> King Presumptive Alexander and Albania's King Leka
> (son of Hitler's and Mussolini's ally King Zog) in
> finding NATO-occupied Southeastern Europe a congenial
> spot to return to...and reclaim their domains in.]
> More than anything...he had been emboldened by the
> European court of human rights' judgment last year
> compelling the Greek government to compensate him for
> the royal estates it confidcated in 1994, reputed to
> be worth about 225m [pounds].
> Ex-king Constantine plans Athenian return
> Helena Smith in Athens
> Tuesday September 4, 2001
> The Guardian
> Encouraged by other monarchs returning to their
> homelands, the exiled king of Greece is planning to
> resettle in the country that deposed him in 1974.
> Constantine II, who was stripped of his Greek
> citizenship in 1993, plans to arrive on a Danish
> passport. He is married to Anna-Marie, the younger
> sister of the Danish Queen.
> Disregarding the open hostility of his former
> subjects, Constantine, 60, has taken courage from the
> return to Bulgaria of former King Simeon II, now the
> country's prime minister, and the restoration of the
> property of the Yugoslav monarch, Crown Prince
> Alexander.
> Yesterday he revealed his determination to reinstate
> himself permanently in the Greek capital by the end of
> next year. He has already begun house hunting.
> Constantine left Greece in 1968 and has lived in
> London most of the time since then. He was deposed in
> a popular referendum after the seven-year dictatorship
> of the Colonels, which he initially supported,
> collapsed.
> "He is desperately homesick, there is no doubt about
> it," an old friend told the Guardian yesterday. "He is
> no different to other people who identify with the
> place where they spent their childhood. He lived here
> until he was 27, and he dreams of Greece every day."
> A former Olympics sailing gold medalist, he is looking
> for a spacious villa in Athens and a country house
> where he can enjoy the sea, the friend said.
> The Greek media reported yesterday that he had shown
> an interest in a plush Athenian mansion which once
> belonged to his mother, Queen Frederika. It now
> belongs to Stelios Haji-Ioannou, the Cypriot owner of
> Easyjet airlines, who commented: "No contact has been
> made so far ... in any case, the house is not for
> sale."
> Although Constantine has apologised for the past, he
> has not relinquished his claim to the throne. When he
> was visiting Greece in the early 90s his yacht was
> chased out of territorial waters by gunboats and
> fighter planes.
> It is clear that the prospect of his return has caused
> the Socialist government deep unease. An official said
> it was acutely aware of the embarrassment of trying to
> stop him entering the country on a Danish passport.
> Aides who have recently visited Constantine at his
> house in Hampstead told the Greek press that he
> believed the time was right to make his return.
> More than anything, they said, he had been emboldened
> by the European court of human rights' judgment last
> year compelling the Greek government to compensate him
> for the royal estates it confiscated in 1994, reputed
> to be worth about £225m.
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