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The Pentagon and the Professor: A Meeting of Unlike Minds  
Geoffrey Forden  Saturday, September 1, 2001 

WASHINGTON There is a Web site in Russia that the U.S. government claims
contains classified information. You can read it, but if you think about
what you read there and conclude that U.S. missile defense plans are
bound to fail, the government will try to stop you. That is what is
happening to Theodore Postol, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology. The Defense Department does not like what Mr. Postol has
been saying about missile defense - that it will not protect the United
States even from primitive incoming missiles. To stop him from saying
these things, it has stamped "SECRET" on letters he sent to
then-President Bill Clinton and now to Congress.
The letters explained how data from the Defense Department's missile
tests, now available on that Russian Web site, showed that a country -
even one just developing intercontinental missiles - could sneak past a
U.S. defensive missile shield and destroy a U.S. city.
What did Mr. Postol say in those letters? In 1998, a team of engineers
and scientists wrote a report reviewing the data from the initial
missile defense flight test. In it, they focused on the system's ability
to pick out a real warhead from the accompanying balloons and other
The scientists included a table of probabilities for picking the real
warhead and a graph from which that table was produced. Both the graph
and the table are available in a number of places, including a Web site
in Russia.
Mr. Postol took the graph and, using techniques now taught in high
school, calculated the chances for picking out the correct warhead from
the incoming objects. He got answers quite different from those the
table showed. In fact, his analysis proved that it would be better to
flip a coin in deciding which was the warhead than to use the data to
try to pick out the threatening object. Then Mr. Postol noticed that if
you took his numbers and added or subtracted them in just the right way,
you could get the same numbers that were in the table. Of course, a
scientist who cared about the truth would never have done what Mr.
Postol said had to be done to reproduce the table. But that was just the
point he was trying to make.
He sent his analysis as a letter to the General Accounting Office, the
investigative agency of Congress, which is investigating not only
allegations of fraud in the missile defense program but also Mr.
Postol's assertions that the Defense Department tried nearly a year ago
to silence him by intimidation. Several weeks later, the office
requested that he resend it the same letter, but with references to
fraud removed. The office then forwarded this letter to the scientists
who worked on the original report, presumably for their comments.
In the past few weeks, the Defense Security Service has been
investigating Mr. Postol's mailing of this letter. Why? Because the
Ballistic Missile Defense Organization classified its content as secret.
The Defense Department has now ordered MIT to seize all Mr. Postol's
materials related to those letters, or lose U.S. funding for
defense-related research.
Why did the Defense Department classify Mr. Postol's letter? If he had
been wrong in his calculation of the missile defense's chances for
picking out a real warhead from decoys, his letter could have done
nothing to harm the United States and would only have made him look
foolish. If, as I believe, his calculations are correct, then he did
nothing but use high school math to analyze information that is widely
available over the Internet.
This incident raises serious concerns about how the government uses
secrecy laws to suppress individuals who question policy.
If Mr. Postol's calculations are correct, the current missile defense
system will never protect the United States. Policymakers and the public
need to know about this.
The writer is a senior research fellow in the security studies program
at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a former principal
analyst for missile defense issues at the Congressional Budget Office.
He contributed this comment to The Washington Post.

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