Title: Manhattan Mayhem - yet one more tiny step back towards "The Stone Age"...?
Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK
A "cowardly" attack?... Possibly - though yesterday's attackers were
fully prepared to pay the price with their own lives. Certainly, this
was no turkey-shoot for button-pushing NATO pilots with relatively
little to fear - like those willing to launch rocket propelled missiles
at vulnerable Serb civilians from the comparative safety of 15,000 feet...

Now innocent Americans too, exposed to it by irresponsible leaders,
reap the inevitable whirlwind - the illegitimate "collateral damage"
of legitimate anger. And we weep for them, like all the others.

Meanwhile, far from television cameras - thus denying our equally
justified grief anything of the dramatic visual impetus generated
by collapsing skyscrapers in New York... every day, for more than
10 years, round the clock bombing of obscure but innocent people
in countless far smaller Iraqi towns and villages is still kept up
relentlessly, without a pause, by American and British jets.

From: Nancy Hey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Eight killed in US-British air raids over southern Iraq [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]
Date: Wed, Sep 12, 2001, 12:09 am

Monday, September 10 6:55 PM SGT
Eight killed in US-British air raids over southern Iraq
BAGHDAD, Sept 10 (AFP) -
Eight people were killed and three wounded in US-British air raids over
southern Iraq on Sunday, the official INA news agency said Monday.

The raids hit Salhiya region, in Wassel province, around 170 kilometres(105
miles) south of Baghdad, INA said, blasting "another savage attack by the
United States and Britain against Iraqi citizens."

The deaths take to 365 the number of people Baghdad says have been killed
in joint US-British raids since December 1998. Or rather more than one barely reported fatality every three days.  

British and US warplanes patrol no-fly zones imposed over northern and
southern Iraq after the 1991 Gulf War to protect the regions' Kurdish and
Shiite Muslim populations against Baghdad.

Iraq does not recognise the zones, which are not authorised by any
specific UN resolution. Since December 1998, Iraq has mounted a determined
effort to down the patrols with anti-aircraft fire
and surface-to-air missiles.
> Strategy for protesting the bombing of Iraq:
> Dear friends,
> As many of you are no doubt aware, US and UK military forces execute
> aggressive actions against the people of Iraq at least two or three times per
> week in the "no-fly" zones, which have no legitimacy under International Law,
> and which violate Iraq's national sovereignty.
> At the most recent meeting of the DC Coalition to Stop the War Against Iraq,
> attended by myself, Starr Bowie, Larry Murdoch, Stephanie Raisch, and Nat
> Harrison, it was decided that we would like to encourage people, whenever
> you hear about such an attack, to call the White House comments line, the
> State Dept. comments line, and the Defense Dept. comments line, tell them
> you heard about the most recent attack, and that you want the attacks to
> stop.  Our hope is that if they realize that every time there is a bombing,
> their phone lines will be flooded with calls of protest, they will get the
> message that there is growing opposition to this undeclared war against the
> innocent people of Iraq!
> White House comments line:  202-456-1111
> State Dept. comments line:  202-647-4000
> Defense Dept. comments line:  703-697-5737
> Antiwar.com, located at <a
> href=""http://www.antiwar.com">http://www.antiwar.com</a>, is an excellent
> source of updates on the most recent aggression against Iraq.
> Please forward this message widely.
> Peacefully yours,
> Nancy Hey

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