Title: FW: Atrocity in America
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From: "David Roberts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "letters d telegraph" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Atrocity in America
Date: Wed, Sep 12, 2001, 11:34 am

>From David Roberts, Chairman, Justice Yugoslavia  
(Campaign for Justice for the Peoples of Yugoslavia)
and author of "Minds at War".
221 London Road, BURGESS HILL, RH15 9RN, UK
Phone/fax 01444 232 356  email  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mr Blair is wrong. Terrorism is not the greatest evil in the world today.
State violence is the greatest evil. And Mr Blair, as a leading promoter
of the 78 day round-the-clock bombing of Yugoslavia is in no position to
criticise the violence carried out by terrorists. Criticism of terrorist
actions - justified as it is - must surely be the province of those never
known to resort to terrorism and thus without blood on their own hands.

It was not by chance that New York was the target of terrorists. There
were good reasons they did not choose, for example, Sydney, or Oslo, or
Dublin. America has pursued a foreign policy of violence and subversion
around the world and has bombed 20 countries in the last 50 years. America
is responsible for creating such feelings of immense hatred against itself
and would be better protected in the future if it only pursued a policy of
co-operation, friendship, fair trade and justice with all foreign countries.

David Roberts

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