Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

The US Military prepares for positive action  
AFI Research - Espionage & Security, 
Strategy & Risk Analysis and 
Armed Forces Intelligence     

The United States stands today as the worlds only superpower, but it has
been humiliated, angered and reduced to virtual impotence by an
audacious attack that has cost some $100 billion, killed well over
5,000, destroyed the World Trade Centre,devastated large parts of the
financial heart of New York and damaged the headquarters of its mighty
military machine, all at the cost to its enemy of perhaps 15-24

The intelligence audit appears to lead strongly towards Afghanistan as
the principle target for a serious military response,but this is a
country that has been largely devastated through thirty years of
rebellion, resistance to Soviet invasion and a brutal civil war.
Afghanistan does not have a vulnerable infrastructure of petro-chemical
works, heavy industry, power plants, TV stations, bridges and the like.
Nor does it have a normal administrative or military structure of
sensitive buildings and barracks. Even the most massive aerial onslaught
will only make a lot of very expensive holes in the desert, destroy some
decrepit buildings and kill a good few more innocent civilians. Osama
Bin-Laden will already have abandoned his tented training camps and
pulled back into the impenetrable mountain vastness. There are no
targets worthy of a Tomahawk or the latest smart bomb. Any military
operation will be an exercise in punching shadows and carried out
largely if not entirely for political reasons and to slake the national
thirst for revenge.

However, the US military machine is now on a high state of alert and
forces throughout the world are poised for action and the most likely
format will include the launching of cruise missile strikes, followed up
with an attempt to accurately bomb the targets pinpointed by US
electronic surveillance and photo-reconnaissance satellites and the use
of spyplanes.

The US Navy has the 5th Fleets Battle Group in the Persian Gulf area,
led by the giant Aircraft Carrier USS Enterprise and the Guided Missile
Cruiser USS Philippines Sea, protected by four Guided Missile
destroyers, one attack Submarine and four Mine Counter Measures craft.
The Carrier Air Wing will have upto 80 aircraft including F14
Tomcats,F/A18 Hornets, EA6B Prowlers and E2C Hawkeyes. Quickly steaming
across the Indian Ocean in support is a Battle Group from the 7th Fleet,
led by an even bigger Carrier, the USS Carl Vinson, with a Carrier Air
Wing of some 90 aircraft and protected by a similar sized flotilla. The
value to the United States of having two operational carrier Groups in
the region includes removal of the necessity to use the Air Bases in
Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states. 

The US has of course many other options including attempting to persuade
the Taliban by a mixture of threats and offers of international
acceptance and substantial aid, to rid the world, once and for all, of
Afghanistans most unwelcome guest or of course to simply get lucky and
for the sake of the civilized world one must hope that it is the latter.

The United States may however, choose to target a variety of other
tempting area's, Hezbollah in the Beka'a Valley, Libya, or the centres
for Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq and Iran, but these risk a major
conflict, as would the possible involvement of European or Israeli

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