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2001-09-22 03:48 MSK - Impact on Russian-American relations
Moscow - The tragic events in the US and President Bush's reaction to them may cause radical changes in Russian-American relations, Sergei Rogov, director of the Institute of USA and Canada, said at a news conference in Moscow yesterday. He pointed out that the leaders of Russia and the US announced a strategic partnership between the two countries as long ago as 1993. A 'common enemy' is needed for implementation of this declaration, and for the first time since 1945 Russian and US have such an enemy, which is international terrorism. "If the leaders of Russia and the US come to this conclusion, the relationships between the two countries will get a quite new perspective," Rogov remarked. At the same time, according to him, it possible that this bilateral cooperation will not be established, because the US is now trying to build an anti-terrorist coalition bypassing the existing international security mechanisms. Rogov pointed out in this! respect that if the US pursues a policy of dual standards during its fight against terrorism, i.e. divides terrorists into 'their,' fighting against the US, and 'other,' who fight against Russia in Chechnya, this will certainly cause serious problems in Russian-American relations. -RBC

2001-09-22 09:51 MSK - Putin: "U.S. ignored my warnings"
BERLIN - Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview released on Friday that he had warned the United States about the dangers posed by Saudi dissident Osama bin Laden only to be rebuffed. "I explicitly pointed out the danger coming from Osama bin Laden to the previous administration," Putin told the Saturday edition of Germany's Bild newspaper. "Washington's reaction at the time really amazed me," he said. "They shrugged their shoulders and said matter-of-factly: We can't do anything because the Taliban does not want to turn him over." "What's important now is that we work much more closely together." Putin, a former KGB spy in Communist East Germany, gave the interview ahead of a visit next week to Berlin and his former espionage base in Dresden. -Reuters

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