
Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2001. Page 4 

Powell: U.S. Used Russian Advice



Powell, in an interview with King, said Washington learned from Moscow's
WASHINGTON -- The U.S. military has used Russian advice in its campaign
in Afghanistan but is fighting a different conflict than the Soviet
Union did in the 1980s when it faced a united nation, U.S. Secretary of
State Colin Powell said. 

The Soviets invaded Afghanistan in 1979 and became embroiled in an
ultimately unsuccessful decade-long war with Afghan guerrilla fighters. 

The Soviet campaign scored early successes, including the quick
occupation of Kabul. But experts said the Soviets made critical mistakes
in alienating the Afghan people and fighting guerrilla battles against
mujahedin who made lightning raids on Soviet supply lines and garrisons
before withdrawing to hide in caves and homes of ordinary Afghans. 

"They have given us a great deal of advice," Powell said Monday on CNN's
"Larry King Live." "We have gone to school on their experience." 

The United States has used its overwhelming air power to pave the way
for the ground troops of the Northern Alliance, complemented by limited
numbers of U.S. special forces, to oust the ruling Taliban Islamic
militia from much of Afghanistan. 

Powell said the United States' battle in Central Asia, undertaken to
find Saudi-born Islamic militant Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaida
network following the Sept. 11 attacks, is different from that waged by
tens of thousands of Soviet troops over more than nine years. 

"They were fighting a nation that was united against them, and they
tried to do it with blunt force," Powell said. "We are fighting a nation
that really isn't in the hands of the Taliban -- they didn't really want
this kind of regime over them. 

"And so you can see those fissures start to break it up into its
different components: Pashtuns, Northern Alliance, Tajiks, Uzbeks, all
sorts of folks who are now very happy to see the Taliban regime go." 

Powell will visit Russia, Central Asia, Turkey and several European
countries next week to boost efforts to rebuild Afghanistan, the State
Department said Monday.


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