
Wall Street Journal

November 28, 2001    

NATO Should Remain Wary of Russia

By Zbigniew Brzezinski

Mr. Brzezinski, national security adviser under President Carter, is
author of "The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic
Imperatives" (Basic Books, 1997).

Was the recent Bush-Putin summit in Crawford, Texas, a replay of Yalta
or of Malta? Though it is too early to judge, it is not too early to
ask. In 1945 at Yalta, a charmed Franklin Roosevelt fraternized with
"Uncle Joe" and obtained a tactical Soviet commitment to enter the war
against Japan, while strategically conceding East-Central Europe to
Soviet control. In 1989 at Malta, an exuberant George H.W. Bush
tactically hailed the last Soviet leader as a great European statesman
while gaining his strategic acquiescence that a soon-to-be-unified
Germany had to be firmly anchored in the Atlantic alliance.

Personal Diplomacy

Both summits were spectacular exercises in personal diplomacy. That
dimension naturally commanded most attention and produced an avalanche
of press commentaries that usually began with awed references to "a new
era" or "a historical breakthrough" or "a grand realignment" in
American-Russian relations. In both summits, Russia's leaders were
widely credited by Western media with having overcome hidden internal
opposition to their not-always-very-evident personal desire for a
strategic accommodation with the U.S.

However, the truly important lesson from such personal diplomacy is much
more prosaic. Personal diplomacy at summits cannot succeed unless it is
infused with determination to achieve firmly held strategic goals,
derived from a cold calculation of the actual balance of power between
the two interlocutors. To be sure, personal diplomacy can soften the
hard edges of the encounter, and it can create a screen behind which the
weaker party can make concessions without evident humiliation. But if
focused only on tactical concerns, it can be a prescription for eventual
At Malta the president knew what he wanted (strategically), and what he
could get (tactically). His success led to the end of the Cold War on
terms that represented a victory for freedom, democracy and human
rights. Yalta was anything but that.

The question now is whether the new Bush-Putin relationship will lead to
the further expansion of the Euro-Atlantic space and the long-term
assimilation into it of post-Soviet Russia; or whether the preoccupation
with the campaign against global terrorism will precipitate arrangements
that will in fact dilute the political cohesion of the integrated
Atlantic alliance, America's greatest post-World War II accomplishment.

Russia's assimilation is desirable and even historically inevitable.
Russia really has no choice, with its huge but largely empty spaces
bordering in the south on 300 million Muslims (whom it has thoroughly
antagonized by its wars against the Afghans and the Chechens) and in the
east on 1.3 billion Chinese. But on what terms that assimilation is
accomplished will determine how stable the Eurasian continent will
become and how enduring will be the Euro-Atlantic connection.

Perhaps Mr. Putin's sudden epiphany makes him now no longer wish to
separate America from Europe, nor to construct a "strategic partnership"
with China aimed at America's hegemony, nor to create a Slavic Union
with Belarus and Ukraine, nor to subordinate to Moscow the newly
independent post-Soviet states -- all of which he was actively pursuing
until a mere few weeks ago. But imperial nostalgia dies slowly, and it
certainly lingers in the principal institutions of Russian power,
notably the military and security forces, and among Russia's foreign
policy elite. Its spokesmen have made it amply clear that in their view
Russia's entry into the West should entail significant concessions by
the West, some of which could adversely affect the shared values and the
viable consensual procedures of the Atlantic alliance.

Unfortunately, in regard to both these core issues -- values and
-- reliance on personal diplomacy has tended to obscure what should
remain clear. If Russia is to be closely associated with the
Euro-Atlantic community, it must conduct itself in keeping with European
standards, even in difficult circumstances. Britain has fought terrorism
in Ulster for years, with London and even the royal family itself
victimized -- yet Belfast has not been reduced to ruins and some 30,000
Irish civilians were not slaughtered. After several years of bitter
fighting, France came to recognize that Algerians were not Frenchmen.
Are there not relevant lessons here for Mr. Putin's war in Chechnya?

Recent British initiatives, apparently with tacit U.S. approval, to
create a new decision-making mechanism for NATO-Russia joint actions
similarly run the risk of fuzzing procedurally what needs to remain
clear. Decisions within NATO are consensual while membership is derived
from a common commitment to shared national security interests. Yet the
British proposal calls for the creation of a new body, the Russia-North
Atlantic Council, in which Russia and the current 19 NATO members would
deliberate regarding possible joint-security actions. This body would
meet quite regularly, thus paralleling NATO's existing top
decision-making organ, the North Atlantic Council. Unlike the already
existing consultative Joint NATO-Russia Council, in which NATO and
Russia in effect meet as one-on-one (the 19+1 formula), the British
proposal calls for discussions on an equal footing among the 20.

It is not difficult to imagine the political consequences of the British
proposal. The Russian side will presumably come with its own position
defined prior to any meeting, but with the remaining 19 not having
worked out a joint NATO position. Russia would become a de facto
participant in NATO's political deliberations, able to play on
differences among the NATO allies before a NATO consensus has even been
shaped. This is a formula for internal disruption and not for enhanced
cooperation with a non-member. It could downgrade NATO into something
like the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (which
lacks the capacity for action), or split it into competing blocs in
which traditional trans-Atlantic or European rivalries could be
exploited by the non-member.

It is odd that a proposal of such import should have been offered by
Prime Minister Blair both to his allies as well as to Russia. The proper
procedure should have involved a thorough vetting of the idea at the
forthcoming NATO ministerial, and not a sudden and -- to some NATO
-- a disturbingly hasty rush to Moscow by NATO's secretary general in
order to plug the British proposal before a not-so-surprisingly
gratified Russian president.

At the very least, NATO's December ministerial should defer any decision
on this matter until a more thorough examination has taken place. At
stake, in addition to underlying values, is the essence of the
political-military integration of the alliance. The bottom line has to
be that any combined NATO-Russia mechanism regarding joint-security
actions must not become a substitute for prior NATO decisions concerning
the desirability of such joint actions.

Strategy, Not Tactics

The enduring lesson of the past several decades is that engaging Russia
has to be pursued on the basis of a long-term strategy, and not for the
sake of personal spectaculars or quick tactical benefits. Next November
NATO is scheduled to hold its summit in Prague, and to celebrate it by
adding new Central European members. That occasion should offer a
historically opportune moment -- hopefully, in the presence of the
presidents of Russia and of Ukraine -- to combine NATO's enlargement
with progressive engagement eastward, pointing even towards the eventual
emergence of a pan-Eurasian security system, with NATO as its inner
core. While heading that way, the U.S. and its allies should keep in
mind the basic distinction between Yalta and Malta.

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