Title: Detention figures, September 2001
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From: John O [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 03 December 2001 09:26
To: Recipient List Suppressed
Subject: Detention figures, September 2001

National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns (NCADC)
110 Hamstead  Road
Birmingham B20 2QS
Phone: 0121-554-6947  Fax:  0870-055-4570
Web site:  http://www.ncadc.org.uk/

Detention figures, September 2001
Things Ain't what they used to be!

    Following a review by the Director of Research, Development and Statistics Directorate (RDSD) of the publication arrangements of immigration statistics. The previous method of issuing monthly stats has been replaced by a Quarterly bulletin.

    The change to quarterly release was announced in September by David Blunkett the Home Secretary, who commented:
    "I am absolutely committed to the transparency, clarity and reliability of official statistics. It is essential that people have confidence in the statistics produced, especially on such an important issue as asylum."

    Asylum Statistics: 3rd Quarter 2001 United Kingdom: was published on the 30th November.
    Minister, Lord Rooker, on the 30th November, on the publication, said:
    "It is absolutely essential that people have confidence in the statistics we produce. A quarterly publication will enable greater accuracy and the inclusion of additional data, such as removals and detention, will better inform public debate."

    'Transparency', is some what clouded by lack of monthly break downs on detention, (only September in this issue) and partially sighted when it comes to enforcement figures.
    The number of criminal prisons holding immigration detainees, is obscured by changing the method of publishing. (HMPs, holding between 2 - 4 detainees previously listed separate, now included in 'other establishments'.)

    Enforcement figures, (Deportations and refused and removed) for non asylum seekers have been excluded completely. RDSD, have said "Non-asylum removals figures will be published annually; it is currently planned that information for 2001 will be published in the RDSD bulletin "Control of Immigration Statistics: United Kingdom 2001" in mid-2002."

    This latter is extremely worrying as this 'will not better inform public debate." to misquote Lord Rooker. - (150 Zimbabwean asylum-seekers were turned back from Heathrow airport last month. Word, has it that not one person was allowed off the plane. No one as yet has been able to find out the full story)
Persons recorded as being in detention in the United Kingdom under Immigration Act powers as at 30 September 2001, by nationality:

Nationality     Total detainees of whom, asylum seekers

India                130                            105
Jamaica              130                              25
Pakistan                     125                             110
Zimbabwe            115                      105
Nigeria              110                        95
Yugoslavia      85                      80
Algeria         80                      70
Albania         70                      70
China           65                      60
Sri Lanka               55                      50
Ukraine         50                      45
Romania         45                      40
Bangladesh      40                      35
Uganda          35                      35
Iraq            30                      30
Poland          30                      25
Kenya           25                      25
Lithuania               25                      15
Ghana           25                      20
Turkey          25                      25
Ivory Coast     20                      20
Afghanistan     20                      20
Cameroon        20                      20
Colombia                20                      15
Morocco         15                      10
Russia          15                      15
Sierra Leone    15                      15
South Africa    15                      5
Iran            15                      15
Czech Republic  15                      10
Congo           10                      10
Gambia          10                      10
Moldova         10                      10

Other nationalities     130                     90

Total           1,620                   1,330
Figures exclude persons detained in police cells.
Figures include 260 persons detained in prison establishments under dual immigration and
other powers.
(3) Persons detained under Immigration Act powers who are recorded as having sought asylum
at some stage, of whom 145 were detained under dual immigration and other powers.
Other nationalities: with 5 or fewer detainees.
Persons recorded as being in detention in the United Kingdom under Immigration Act powers as at 30 September 2001, by place of detention.

Place of detention           Total detainees       of whom, asylum seekers

Oakington RC            195             195

Tinsley House           125             90
Harmondsworth         100             75
Campsfield House              80              80
Dover Harbour           20              20
Dungavel                        20              15
Manchester Airport            10              10
*Dedicated Immigration Service wings
Rochester               180             165
Haslar                  150             135
Lindholme               105             90

Prison establishments
Liverpool                        95              85
Wandsworth              65              60
Holme House             45              40
High Down               45              40
Cardiff                 40              40
Gateside                      40              35
Wormwood Scrubs               30              20
Manchester            20              10
Brixton                       15              10
The Verne             15              5
Winchester              15              10
Belmarsh                      10              5
The Mount              10              10
Craiginches           10              5
Pentonville            10              5
Leeds                  10              0
Blakenhurst            10              5
Bullingdon             10              5
Total                     1,620                       1,330

Of which: Female 125, male 1,495

*This is Home Office jargon for Detention Prisons and detainees are subject to prison rules.
Figures exclude persons detained in police cells.
Figures include 260 persons detained in prison establishments under dual immigration and other powers.

Persons recorded as being in detention in the United Kingdom under Immigration Act powers as at 30 September 2001, by length of detention

Length of detention             Total detainees        of whom, asylum seekers
Less than 1 month                       440             325
1 to 2 months                   275             235
2 to 4 months                   290             245
4 to 6 months                   180             150
6 months to 1 year                   140             110
More than 1 year                        100             70

Source: Home Office, Asylum Statistics, 3rd quarter 2001
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