
-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 05 December 2001 07:44
To: Jonathan Knight; Ayo Obisanya
Subject: Various quotes & articles...

Dear media person

I've compiled for you a number of articles and quotes that should be
carefully reviewed for possible reporting and/or disclosure.

I trust you still believe in democracy...

Jean Hudon
Earth Rainbow Network Coordinator

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired
signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not
fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not
spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius
of its scientists, the hopes of its children... Under the cloud of
threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron."

- President Eisenhower

"Today we stand on the verge of a civil liberties calamity in this country.
The Administration and the Attorney General have taken a series of
constitutionally dubious actions that place the Executive branch in the
untenable role of legislator, prosecutor, judge, and jury. Certainly, we
stand together as a nation in our collective outrage over the September
11th terrorist attacks. However, we do nothing to win the battle against
terrorism by sacrificing our precious freedoms and liberties. (...)
Collectively, the Administration has swept away the independent judiciary,
the right to a public trial, the right to an appeal, the right to counsel,
due process, equal protection and habeas corpus. Not bad for two week's

- Congressman John Conyers, Jr. - Details at

"What we've seen, since September 11th, if you add up everything that
Ashcroft, Bush, Gonzales and their coterie of Federalist Society lawyers
have done here, is a coup d'etat against the United States Constitution.
There's no question about it. When you add in the Ashcroft police state
bill that was passed by Congress (and several members of Congress admitted,
"We never even read this thing when we voted for it.") - that's really what
we're seeing now, Dennis, a constitutional coup d'etat. There's no other
word for it. (...) The critical question is: When will the FBI, the CIA and
the National Security Agency start to turn these powers, that they have
under the Ashcroft police state bill, against American citizens? Clearly,
that will be the next step."

- Professor Francis A. Boyle, in an interview by Dennis Bernstein, host of
"Flashpoints", KPFA Radio 94.1 FM - Berkeley, California Wednesday,
November 14, 2001.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2001
From: "Jon Chance" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

We control America

"Every time we do something you [Shimon Peres] tell me America will do this
and will do that.... I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry
about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people [sic], control
America, and the Americans know it."

- Ariel Sharon, Israeli Prime Minister, Knesset, Tel Aviv, October 3, 2001.

The Israelis wasted no time in the wake of the attack in downtown Manhattan.

Within three minutes a former Prime Minister was seen on the BBC demanding
that Iraq, Iran, Libya and others be destroyed. A remarkably rapid response
driving the average reader to question how Israeli officials could possibly
have responded to a "surprise" attack of this sort without prior or inside
knowledge. Read the story here:

Media review of Florida ballots whitewashes theft of 2000 election (6
November 2001)
On November 12, a consortium of major US news organizations, including the
New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal and CNN, released the
results of a 10-month investigation into disputed votes cast in Florida
during the 2000 presidential election. The media report was calculated to
boost the political legitimacy of the Bush administration and obscure the
profoundly anti-democratic manner in which Bush was installed in the White
House. CLIP Both during and after the 2000 election, the main preoccupation
of the media has been to insist on Bush's political legitimacy and dismiss
the election crisis as little more than a partisan squabble. Just two
months ago, New York Times Washington bureau chief Richard Berke wrote a
column in which he said the events of September 11 had rendered the
consortium's recount "utterly irrelevant." CLIP

Consortium Muddles Recount, Again
The long-awaited recount of the Florida election revealed little new
information. That didn't stop news outlets from declaring Bush a winner,
even though more people intended to vote for Gore.

(...) Under some of the strictest standards -- including those proposed by
the Bush camp during last year's recount fight -- Gore won. CLIP The
Washington Post was even more blunt, stating that, "If there had been some
way last fall to recount every vote -- undervotes and overvotes alike, in
all 67 Florida counties -- former vice president Al Gore would be the White
House." CLIP "Consider that 70,616 overvotes statewide included a mark,
dimple, hanging chad, partial or cleanly-punched chad for Gore and any
combination of third-party candidates. That's nearly three times the 24,600
overvotes that included some discernible mark for George W. Bush and any
combination of third-party candidates, according to a comprehensive
examination of these ballots performed by the Palm Beach Post and seven
other media organizations. The review suggests what many pundits said a
year ago: Uncounted ballots and voter confusion cost Gore the election."

Results from the Florida Ballot Review Project

Theft of Presidency

The West Knows Now There Is No Wall to Hide Behind,4273,4297758,00.html
Afghanistan must be rebuilt valley by valley, says James Wolfensohn,
president of the World Bank, who warns that global poverty is breeding
terrorism and calls on the West to make good on its promises to bridge the
gulf between rich and poor nations. CLIP "We have a situation where 20% of
the world's population have 80% of the wealth, and the other 80% has just
20%. If that's a situation that leads to instability, then we are saying
that that instability will convey itself through migration, through wars
within countries and through crime and terrorism. CLIP

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