
Friday, Dec. 7, 2001. Page 1 

7 Arrested for Sale of Uranium-235

The Associated Press Police have arrested seven people who were trying
to sell more than one kilogram of highly enriched, weapons-grade
uranium, NTV reported Thursday. 

The men were arrested in the town of Balashikha just east of Moscow,
trying to sell a capsule with uranium-235 for $30,000, NTV said. 

The suspects were charged with illegal handling of nuclear materials, it

If proven true, the seizure would be the first officially confirmed case
of theft of weapons-grade material in Russia. 

In the economic turmoil following the Soviet collapse, there have been
regular seizures of nuclear materials stolen by people who tried to sell
them for profit, but all involved low-active uranium or cesium unfit to
manufacture nuclear weapons. Russian officials have repeatedly said that
no weapons-grade nuclear materials have been stolen. The report said the
suspects allegedly belonged to the Balashikha criminal gang. 

Police initially arrested those trying to sell the material at a
roadside cafe, and they led them to another suspect who kept the uranium
in his house. The date of the arrest and other details were unclear. 

A duty officer at the Balashikha police station told The Associated
Press he was aware of the case, but gave no details, saying the Federal
Security Service was handling the investigation. The officer asked not
to be named. 

A spokesman at the Interior Ministry in Moscow also referred questions
about the case to the FSB. A duty officer at the FSB head office refused
to comment. 

The NTV report contained footage of a roadside cafe where several
suspects were arrested and a local police headquarters. It didn't
feature any officials who would confirm the arrest. 

NTV also interviewed Nikolai Shingarev, a spokesman for the Nuclear
Power Ministry, who said there are several plants in and around Moscow
where such material could be obtained. Weapons-grade uranium is
sometimes used in research nuclear reactors. 

Alexander Koldobsky, a senior researcher at the Moscow Engineering and
Physical Institute, told NTV that the quantity of uranium reportedly
seized would be insufficient to make a nuclear weapon. Koldobsky voiced
skepticism about the reported seizure, saying it looked more like a
provocation than a real event.

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