
Published on Friday, December 7, 2001 in the Toronto Globe
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Our Best Point the Way
On the 100th anniversary of the Nobel prize, 100 Nobel laureates warn
that our security hangs on environmental and social reform

The most profound danger to world peace in the coming years will stem
not from the irrational acts of states or individuals but from the
legitimate demands of the world's dispossessed. Of these poor and
disenfranchised, the majority live a marginal existence in equatorial
climates. Global warming, not of their making but originating with the
wealthy few, will affect their fragile ecologies most. Their situation
will be desperate and manifestly unjust. 

It cannot be expected, therefore, that in all cases they will be content
to await the beneficence of the rich. If then we permit the devastating
power of modern weaponry to spread through this combustible human
landscape, we invite a conflagration that can engulf both rich and poor.
The only hope for the future lies in co-operative international action,
legitimized by democracy. 

It is time to turn our backs on the unilateral search for security, in
which we seek to shelter behind walls. Instead, we must persist in the
quest for united action to counter both global warming and a weaponized

These twin goals will constitute vital components of stability as we
move toward the wider degree of social justice that alone gives hope of

Some of the needed legal instruments are already at hand, such as the
Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, the Convention on Climate Change, the
Strategic Arms Reduction Treaties and the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.
As concerned citizens, we urge all governments to commit to these goals
that constitute steps on the way to replacement of war by law.

To survive in the world we have transformed, we must learn to think in a
new way. As never before, the future of each depends on the good of all.

Zhohres I. Alferov Physics, 2000 
Sidney Altman Chemistry, 1989 
Philip W. Anderson Physics, 1977 
Oscar Arias Sanchez Peace, 1987 
J. Georg Bednorz Physics, 1987 
Bishop Carlos F.X. Belo Peace, 1996 
Baruj Benacerraf Physiology/Medicine, 1980 
Hans A. Bethe Physics, 1967 
James W. Black Physiology/Medicine, 1988 
Guenter Blobel Physiology/Medicine, 1999 
Nicolaas Bloembergen Physics, 1981 
Norman E. Boriaug Peace, 1970 
Paul D. Boyer Chemistry, 1997 
Bertram N. Brockhouse Physic, 1994 
Herbert C. Brown Chemistry, 1979 
Georges Charpak Physics, 1992 
Claude Cohen-Tannoudji Physics, 1997 
John W. Cornforth Chemistry, 1975 
Francis H. Crick Physiology/Medicine, 1962 
James W. Cronin Physics, 1980 
Paul J. Crutzen Chemistry, 1995 
Robert F. Curl Chemistry, 1996 
His Holiness The Dalai Lama Peace, 1989 
Johann Deisenhofer Chemistry, 1988 
Peter C. Doherty Physiology/Medicine, 1996 
Manfred Eigen Chemistry, 1967 
Richard R. Ernst Chemistry, 1991 
Leo Esaki Physics, 1973 
Edmond H. Fischer Physiology/Medicine, 1992 
Val L. Fitch Physics, 1980 
Dario Fo Literature, 1997 
Robert F. Furchgott Physiology/Medicine, 1998 
Walter Gilbert Chemistry, 1980 
Sheldon L. Glashow Physics, 1979 
Mikhail S. Gorbachev Peace, 1990 
Nadine Gordimer Literature, 1991 
Paul Greengard Physiology/Medicine, 2000 
Roger Guillemin Physiology/Medicine, 1977 
Herbert A. Hauptman Chemistry, 1985 
Dudley R. Herschbach Chemistry, 1986 
Antony Hewish Physics, 1974 
Roald Hoffman Chemistry, 1981 
Gerardus 't Hooft Physics, 1999 
David H. Hubel Physiology/Medicine, 1981 
Robert Huber Chemistry, 1988 
Francois Jacob Physiology/Medicine, 1975 
Brian D. Josephson Physics, 1973 
Jerome Karle Chemistry, 1985 
Wolfgang Ketterle Physics, 2001 
H. Gobind Khorana Physiology/Medicine, 1968 
Lawrence R. Klein Economics, 1980 
Klaus von Klitzing Physics, 1985 
Aaron Klug Chemistry, 1982 
Walter Kohn Chemistry, 1998 
Herbert Kroemer Physics, 2000 
Harold Kroto Chemistry, 1996 
Willis E. Lamb Physics, 1955 
Leon M. Lederman Physics, 1988 
Yuan T. Lee Chemistry, 1986 
Jean-Marie Lehn Chemistry, 1987 
Rita Levi-Montalcini Physiology/Medicine, 1986 
William N. Lipscomb Chemistry, 1976 
Alan G. MacDiarmid Chemistry, 2000 
Daniel L. McFadden Economics, 2000 
César Milstein Physiology/Medicine, 1984 
Franco Modigliani Economics, 1985 
Rudolf L. Moessbauer Physics, 1961 
Mario J. Molina Chemistry, 1995 
Ben R. Mottelson Physics, 1975 
Ferid Murad Physiology/Medicine, 1998 
Erwin Neher Physiology/Medicine, 1991 
Marshall W. Nirenberg Physiology/Medicine, 1968 
Joseph E. Murray Physiology/Medicine, 1990 
Paul M. Nurse Physiology/Medicine, 2001 
Max F. Perutz Chemistry, 1962 
William D. Phillips Physics, 1997 
John C. Polanyi Chemistry, 1986 
Ilya Prigogine Chemistry, 1977 
Burton Richter Physics, 1976 
Heinrich Rohrer Physics, 1987 
Joseph Rotblat Peace, 1995 
Carlo Rubbia Physics, 1984 
Bert Sakmann Physiology/Medicine, 1991 
Frederick Sanger Chemistry, 1958; 1980 
José Saramago Literature, 1998 
J. Robert Schrieffer Physics, 1972 
Melvin Schwartz Physics, 1988 
K. Barry Sharpless Chemistry, 2001 
Richard E. Smalley Chemistry, 1996 
Jack Steinberger Physics, 1988 
Joseph E. Stiglitz Economics, 2001 
Horst L. Stormer Physics, 1998 
Henry Taube Chemistry, 1983 
Joseph H. Taylor Jr. Physics, 1993 
Susumu Tonegawa Physiology/Medicine, 1997 
Charles H. Townes Physics, 1964 
Daniel T. Tsui Physics, 1998 
Archbishop Desmond M. Tutu Peace, 1984 
John Vane Physiology/Medicine, 1982 
John E. Walker Chemistry, 1997 
Eric F. Wieschaus Physiology/Medicine, 1982 
Jody Williams Peace, 1997 
Robert W. Wilson Physics, 1978 
Ahmed H. Zewail Chemistry, 1999 

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