
  Right on, Mart!

On 9 Dec 01, at 22:40, mart wrote:

> ---------------------------
> "But organizers claim the purpose of the fund raisers is to raise money for a
>  reservoir project in Israel and has nothing to do with purchasing land in
>  the Palestinian territories"
> Of course this so called "charity" doesn't raise money to 
> buy land in the occupied Palestinian territories. The 
> Zionists don't "buy" Palestinian land....they simply take it 
> by force! They believe it's already theirs anyway. After all, 
> according to them, their god gave it to them!! Substitute the 
> phrase "chosen people" for "master race" and you get the 
> real picture of what's going on..
> mart
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: Stasi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2001 11:19 PM
> Subject: Scotland: Clinton faces protests at three Jewish charity dinners in UK 
>  ---------------------------
>  Ananova :
>  Clinton faces protests at three Jewish charity dinners in UK
>  ========================================
>  Bill Clinton is expected to face a frosty reception from pro-Palestinian
>  campaigners on his arrival in Britain.
>  Mr Clinton is the special guest speaker at three charity dinners for the
>  Jewish National Fund.
>  Protests are planned outside the first event in Glasgow on Monday.
>  Supporters of the Palestinian cause, including George Galloway, Labour MP
>  for Glasgow Kelvin, and Scottish Socialist MSP Tommy Sheridan, have attacked
>  the charity and the former president's decision to attend the dinners.
>  But organisers claim the purpose of the fund raisers is to raise money for a
>  reservoir project in Israel and has nothing to do with purchasing land in
>  the Palestinian territory.
>  JNF was set up 100 years ago to purchase land throughout Palestine in the
>  hope that the state of Israel would one day be established.
>  JNF joint vice-president Stanley Lovatt, who invited the ex-president to
>  give the talks, said: "The invitation to Mr Clinton was made back in March,
>  way before the recent events in the Middle East, and has nothing to do with
>  buying land in Palestine.
>  "The money we are raising specifically from these three dinners is going
>  towards the building of a reservoir in the Negev region, in the name of Bill
>  Clinton.
>  "The Israeli problem is only going to form a small part of Mr Clinton's
>  speech, the rest will be taken up with thoughts about US and British
>  relations and his thoughts as a former world leader."
>  Security is expected to be tight throughout Mr Clinton's itinerary, but no
> more than for a normal visit by a former US president, according to event
>  organisers.
>  Story filed: 04:14 Monday 10th December 2001

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