
DECEMBER 18, 18:50 ET 

NATO Reduction Call Draws Concern 

Associated Press Writer  
Ivanov and Rumsfeld shake hands
AP/Virginia Mayo [18K]

SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina (AP) - A U.S. call to slash the number of
NATO peacekeepers in the Balkans provoked unease Tuesday among regional
leaders and ordinary citizens over the stability of the region. 

While Afghanistan and the war on terror occupied the spotlight at the
NATO defense ministers' meeting in Brussels, the Balkans were also on
the agenda. 

Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld proposed Tuesday that NATO cut its
forces in Bosnia by up to a third because the depth of its Balkan
involvement is placing a strain on armies needed to fight terrorism. 

NATO has nearly 60,000 troops in separate military operations in Bosnia,
Kosovo and Macedonia. According to officials, defense ministers will
look at ways to streamline operations, eventually reducing their size. 

In Bosnia, personnel cuts may be as large as a third of the current

In 1995, NATO-led peacekeepers arrived in Bosnia to a still smoldering
conflict and their presence is considered a deterrent to renewed
violence. In Kosovo, they play a more direct role, including protecting
minority Serbs. But in Macedonia, home to the most recent conflict, they
are a sign of Western interest in peace implementation. 

Despite the different NATO missions, reaction from all three regions to
the possibility of force reduction was overwhelmingly negative. 

According to a spokesman for Wolfgang Petritsch, the top international
official in Bosnia, NATO is needed to make sure the achievements of the
last six years are not lost. 

With top war-crimes suspects like Bosnian Serb wartime leader Radovan
Karadzic and his senior general, Ratko Mladic, still on the loose,
NATO's job remained incomplete. 

Any streamlining ``must be based on a realistic assessment of the tasks
which have still to be accomplished,'' according to his spokesman, Kevin

On the street, Sarajevans also were opposed to any NATO cutback. 

``Not one of them should leave,'' said Radmila Cvijetic, a 63 year-old
retired nurse from Sarajevo. ``With them I feel safe and free.'' 

Waitress Senada Hasic declared: ``When they came, peace came. If they
go, peace will go and then I'll go.'' 

Similar sentiments were expressed in another Balkan city - Pristina, the
capital of Kosovo, where NATO bombing ended a bloody Serb crackdown on
majority ethnic Albanians in mid-1999. The presence of more than 36,000
peacekeepers is a move to keep violence in check 

``As soon as they start reducing the presence, it will make me feel
really, really unsafe,'' said musician Agim Morina, 31. 

Naim Jerliu, a senior official of the Democratic League of Kosovo, the
province's main ethnic Albanian party, also said ethnic Albanians
``wouldn't want to see a reduction of NATO's peacekeeping mission.'' 

In Macedonia, where little more than 2,000 NATO troops are deployed,
worries are focused less on numbers and more on the symbolic meaning of
any cutback. 

``We hope that will not mean a change of U.S. interest in the region,
particularly in Macedonia,'' said Stevo Pendarovski, an adviser to
President Boris Trajkovski. 

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